LNP/BP standards for bitcoin layer 2 & 3 protocols
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Single-asset LN channel design considerations #25

Open dr-orlovsky opened 4 years ago

dr-orlovsky commented 4 years ago

On RGBCon0 in Milano @renepickhardt proposed to use single-asset LN channels, which:

Nevertheless, using single-asset LN channels for RGB has its own trade-offs: addition of each asset will require new channel funding transaction, which limits scalability. Here I'd like to discuss the ways how we can mitigate this issue.

Channel splitting

Use channel splitting: create a new transaction spending funding output, which will contain new version of funding outputs, one per asset. Don't publish this information on-chain. Pros:

Channel factories

Use channel factories: the same of above, but instead of splitting within the existing channel we use channel factory to create a new channel. The pros and cons are exactly like the above

Channel virtualization

Channel "superposition"/virtualization within the same commitment transaction: nodes operate multiple channels sharing single commitment transaction. Cons: