LNP/BP standards for bitcoin layer 2 & 3 protocols
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LNPBP-3: Deterministic definition of tx out with commitment #5

Open dr-orlovsky opened 4 years ago

dr-orlovsky commented 4 years ago

Discussing https://github.com/LNP-BP/lnpbps/blob/master/lnpbp-0003.md; please post your comments below

inaltoasinistra commented 4 years ago

Future SIGHASH_NOINPUT standard BIP-118 [12] MAY BE compatible with this proposal, since a protocol utilizing the present standard MAY define that any transaction commitment with an input signature flag set to SIGHASH_NOINPUT MUST default to the zero value of commitment-specific parameter c. This will still preserve the privacy from the onchain analysis tools due to the presence of the protocol-specific parameter s, which will be unknown for any party that does know which protocol is used by some transaction (given the fact that the used protocol can't be guessed from the transaction itself).

I don't understand how SIGHASH_NOINPUT could interact with the described protocol. Thank you

dr-orlovsky commented 4 years ago

With SIGHASH_NOINPUT we do not know (at the moment of transaction creation) which transaction output we will be spending, so we do not have access/can’t predict the entropy from the off-chain proof that assigns assets to the future-spend txout.

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