LOBYXLYX / Cloudflare-Bypass

Get the "cf_clearance" cookie from any website
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possible to send headers? #12

Open pp-vatorex opened 5 days ago

pp-vatorex commented 5 days ago

Is it possible to specify headers for the original request?

In order to work with the received cookie in follow up requests, User-Agentand Accept should be identical in each follow up request.

LOBYXLYX commented 4 days ago

Yes, If you want to add headers, you can do this

cf = CF_Solver(
pp-vatorex commented 4 days ago

Thanks. Any idea why this is not yet working? (I decided to move the discussion to the Reddit thread) https://www.reddit.com/r/webscraping/comments/1g40qy2/comment/lzjam02/

LOBYXLYX commented 4 days ago

On some websites cf_clearance works Seeing your problem, you can try using curl_cffi to bypass it

from aqua import CF_Solver
from curl_cffi import requests

cf_clearance = cf.cookie()
session = requests.Session(impersonate='chrome124')
session.cookies['cf_clearance'] = cf_clearance
session.headers = {...} # your browser headers

resp = session.get('URL')

I will try to improve the cf_clearance extraction in this library

pp-vatorex commented 4 days ago

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately this does not resolve the 403 error. I also tried with httpx, did fail too.

Is the cf_clearance cookie corrupted or do you expect the problem elsewhere? What's puzzling me is that if I extract the cf_clearance cookie from my browser inspection tools and paste it manually, I get a 200 response...

LOBYXLYX commented 4 days ago

The cookie is corrupted, I will try to correct that error

I will use the website you are working on to do the tests

pp-vatorex commented 3 days ago

Thanks for the confirmation. Looking forward to hear from you with updates.

LOBYXLYX commented 2 days ago

I improved the cf bypass and tested it with the website. And until now I realize that website is protected with turnstile

This cf_bypass works with websites that don't have turnstile, only cf_clearance
