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MOSS search only shows results for annotations on valueReference level #21

Open chrwm opened 1 year ago

chrwm commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure where the right place for this issue is.

Problem: Annotations in the subject and isAbout keys are not found and/or not shown in MOSS.

However, when I submit OEMetadata with the MOSS to an artefact and search for cement and select CRF sector (IPCC 2006): cement production http://openenergy-platform.org/ontology/oeo/OEO_00010165 from the Suggestions and then Search, I can find my artefact. - In this case, the annotation is in the valueReference key.


If I delete the annotation from the valueReference key and annotate the same in the subject or isAbout key and repeat the submission and search process, I can't see any results.

I already tried to modify the context.jsonld file by replacing the isAbout and subject individually with

"isAbout": {
            "@id": "http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#valueReferencet",
            "@type": "@id"

-> and simultaneously deleting the "valueReference" and "subject",

"subject": {
            "@id": "http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#valueReferencet",
            "@type": "@id"

-> and simultaneously deleting the "isAbout" and "valueReference"

to rule out problems with the jsonld file - with no success.

Hence, I think it could be a visualisation problem of the MOSS.

A box displaying the actual SPARQL query that is run in the background would be a tremendous help to debug this using the Yasgui.

chrwm commented 1 year ago

The problem was that the underlying sparql query in the MOSS search was only querying the valueReferenc field.

To date, the sparql query for isAbout is already implemented in the MOSS search. The query for the subject field is coming soon.