LOEWE-emergenCITY / ros2_babel_fish

ROS2 communication introspection library to allow ROS2 communication with at compile time unknown message, action and service types.
MIT License
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Something went wrong loading the typesupport library for [action/service] type... #1

Open StefanFabian opened 2 years ago

StefanFabian commented 2 years ago

You can subscribe to this issue to get notified as soon as the support PR was merged (and released) and this library will be released.

StefanFabian commented 2 years ago

This is unfortunately due to the ros2 rosidl_typesupport library missing some introspection symbols. A fix was introduced in ros2/rosidl_typesupport#114 but is still pending for review / merge. Until that is merged, this can only be solved by using my fork of rosidl_typesupport and building all used messages from source.

StefanFabian commented 3 months ago

Update: The fix is merged for ROS 2 Iron and was backported to Foxy. The backport for humble is still open ros2/rosidl_typesupport#149