LOOHP / InteractiveChat

Add click and hover events to chat messages!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Using `UsePaperModernChatEvent` parse message as viewer despite the config set to sender #138

Closed cupang-afk closed 1 year ago

cupang-afk commented 1 year ago

i have !pos as custom placeholder which show player location (the sender location)

when i ask friend to give their location, i recieve my location instead image in the screenshot, the first one is when UsePaperModernChatEvent set to true and the second one is when it set to false

my config for !pos:

ParsePlayer: sender
  Keyword: (?i)(!pos)
  ParseKeyword: false
  Cooldown: 5
    Enable: false
    Text: []
    Enable: false
    Action: ''
    Value: ''
    Enable: true
    ReplaceText: '&a%player_world_type% &f%player_x% %player_y% %player_z%'
  Name: '!pos'
  Description: '&eShows your current position!'

i also have DiscordSRV to bridge minecraft chat to discord, and interestingly, discordsrv send the correct postition image

my DiscordSRV config related to paper chat event were turned on

VentureChatBungee: true
EnablePresenceInformation: true
UseModernPaperChatEvent: true

i haven't tested with other placeholder yet

LOOHP commented 1 year ago

Using paper chat events does not mean UseModernPaperChatEvent needs to be enabled in the IC config. If it works without the option enabled, then the setting should be left untouched.

cupang-afk commented 1 year ago

Using paper chat events does not mean UseModernPaperChatEvent needs to be enabled in the IC config. If it works without the option enabled, then the setting should be left untouched.

well im just exploring config and try stuff (you know) it does work without it though

you can close this issue if this is not a problem

LOOHP commented 1 year ago

Yes that's fine, it is working as intended. Thank you for raising it tho!