LOOHP / InteractiveChat

Add click and hover events to chat messages!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Add support for Paper's AsyncChat #187

Closed NoltoxGit closed 4 months ago

NoltoxGit commented 5 months ago

Hello, Can you add the support for the Paper AsyncChatEvent and/or AsyncChatDecorateEvent in the configuration of your plugin please? Because you're currently using an old listener: org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent.

Example for a new configuration:

# Use Paper's async Chat Event
use-async-chat: true/false

Thank you so much if you add this! :)

LOOHP commented 5 months ago

I think there is a use modern paper events option, does that do what you want?

NoltoxGit commented 5 months ago

I think there is a use modern paper events option, does that do what you want?

Thank you for your reply, I hadn't noticed that this setting existed, I've just activated it, I'll see on my next reboot if it solves my problem.

NoltoxGit commented 5 months ago

I think there is a use modern paper events option, does that do what you want?

Hello, After a while (sorry), I just realized that when I activate this parameter, CustomPlaceholders are no longer displayed correctly in the chat :/.

Here's my config. Server version: Purpur-2134 (MC: 1.20.4) Plugin version: (#263)