LOOHP / InteractiveChat

Add click and hover events to chat messages!
GNU General Public License v3.0
148 stars 27 forks source link

Performance issue #216

Open WarnDa opened 3 weeks ago

WarnDa commented 3 weeks ago


I am running a +200 players server, and when a lot of player talk in the chat the server get massive freeze (server and chat) and mspt increase to +50 https://spark.lucko.me/DG6PuvKupb https://spark.lucko.me/pizqyX9Tev

If I disable interactivechat by changing config to :

    Chat: false
    Title: false

I got no more issue (no freeze, no chat delay at all) and mspt are fine https://spark.lucko.me/4Nuou0LQVm

LOOHP commented 3 weeks ago

Does this problem only appear recently? Since I didn't change the code that much.

From the timings report, it looks like most of the time spent on ticking for InteractiveChat invokes a packet listener in ItemsAdder. Perhaps you can perform some tests to see whether the lag still exists without ItemsAdder? Just to make sure it still happens with InteractiveChat on its own.

WarnDa commented 3 weeks ago

I got this issue since more than a year, but when you got 50 players it doesn't appear, it's really when getting +150 players

Tried while removing itemsaddder checking for the chat, same : https://spark.lucko.me/xUHqYFOejk

LOOHP commented 3 weeks ago

There's a similar report by another user regarding performance. Yesterday, I've made a slight change in hopes of perhaps improving performance. Perhaps you can try updating to this build from yesterday and see if anything improved. https://ci.loohpjames.com/job/InteractiveChat/285/

WarnDa commented 3 weeks ago

There's a similar report by another user regarding performance. Yesterday, I've made a slight change in hopes of perhaps improving performance. Perhaps you can try updating to this build from yesterday and see if anything improved. https://ci.loohpjames.com/job/InteractiveChat/285/

My sparks are already on the b285

dentatar commented 1 week ago

I have similar issues… Testing with just 1 player, but already got ~2 seconds message delay. My setup uses velocity tho, tried with HuskChat and Carbon - same results