LOOHP / InteractiveChat

Add click and hover events to chat messages!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Interactivechat + ChatSentinel causing issues #220

Open AGuyNamedJens opened 5 days ago

AGuyNamedJens commented 5 days ago

Basically, ChatSentinel is a plugin available on BuildByBit: https://builtbybit.com/resources/chatsentinel-block-swearing-spamming.23698/ Which blocks chat spam, swearing and has some other functions to it

However my issue i'm having is, when i try to swear, i get warned by ChatSentinel, but somehow InteractiveChat still sends the message? On sending "spam" (such as the same message twice) it doesn't send the second message, since it gets properly blocked

Dev of CS sent me here... I've already tried disabling safe chat stuff, including trying all chat packet listener levels, to no success,,