LOOHP / InteractiveChat

Add click and hover events to chat messages!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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InteractiveChat kick-all with shulker #221

Closed Projecki closed 3 days ago

Projecki commented 3 days ago

When using this shulker, which has relatively light NBT data, many players are kicked.

Presumably the kicked players are using 1.20.6? Unconfirmed. But only some players get kicked, and the ones that are kicked are kicked consistently.

https://pastebin.com/0FQCjuEp spigot logs https://mclo.gs/soxEBzl velocity logs seeking client logs from an affected user, will update if I get them


Schem file of the shulker in question: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RtcFYCQKA9qSnIHPO5TcSPN8poAxkHLW/view?usp=sharing

LOOHP commented 3 days ago

Try decreasing ItemTagMaxLength on backend servers' IC config by something like 2000 each time. See whether at some point this issue stops appearing.

Projecki commented 3 days ago


Here are client logs, affects all 1.21 users: https://pastebin.com/LZaeyhZE

The bug is fixed at ItemTagMaxLength: 5000 & below

what are the implications of lowering this number?

LOOHP commented 3 days ago

It just removes the item data if it is too long in the hover item data. Players can still see the item content when they click on it.