LP-Messaging / Android-Messaging-SDK

LivePerson Android Messaging SDK
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Failed to connect to the server.Retry #36

Closed zstartw closed 6 years ago

zstartw commented 6 years ago

I start the liveperson.but alway not work. see my screenshot below screenshot_1508987890

and my configure

LivePerson.showConversation(getActivity(), new LPAuthenticationParams(), new ConversationViewParams(false));

and the more detail logcat print:

D: sendMessageImmediately: Sending message
D: isNetworkAvailable: isConnected = true
D: isNetworkAvailable: networkInfo = [type: MOBILE[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: epc.tmobile.com, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
D: isNetworkAvailable: isConnected = true
D: isNetworkAvailable: networkInfo = [type: MOBILE[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: epc.tmobile.com, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
D: Time from last error is less than 3600000 millis. No need to send to loggos
D: sendAllQueue: Network is not available or didn't pass enough time for next sending. Didn't send messages
D: Scheduling Task IdpTask in 8000 millis. retry number = 4
D: ConnectingState <-<- RunTaskEvent #4
I: Running task: IdpTask Retry #4, After delay: 8000
D: Running IDP task...
D: Idp json body: {"id_token":"gearbest"}
D: IDP request url : https://sy.idp.liveperson.net/api/account/65450587/app/default/authenticate?v=2.0
D: header.first sdkVersion header.second 2.8.0
D: header.first platform header.second Android
D: header.first platformVer header.second 23
D: header.first device header.second Android SDK built for x86
D: header.first applicationId header.second 65450587
D: Sending http request: https://sy.idp.liveperson.net/api/account/65450587/app/default/authenticate?v=2.0
I: onResponseFailure Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=500, message=Internal Server Error, url=https://sy.idp.liveperson.net/api/account/65450587/app/default/authenticate?v=2.0}
D: idp url = https://sy.idp.liveperson.net/api/account/65450587/app/default/authenticate?v=2.0. Exception On Response Error :  response code: 500 body: {"internalErrorCode":"1023"}
D: onError: failed to connect to idp!
D: ConnectingState <-<- TaskFailedEvent
E: Connection task IDP failed idp url = https://sy.idp.liveperson.net/api/account/65450587/app/default/authenticate?v=2.0. Exception On Response Error :  response code: 500 body: {"internalErrorCode":"1023"}

please help me to find if i less some configure. Ths

Robo-Rin commented 6 years ago

Are you using implicit flow auth, code flow auth, or unauthenticated? Can you show where you are calling showConversation?

zstartw commented 6 years ago

@Hauuguu I called below in MyFragment: LivePerson.showConversation(getActivity(), new LPAuthenticationParams(), new ConversationViewParams(false));

zstartw commented 6 years ago

Wow.I found the question that used the wrong appID.