LPCIC / coq-elpi

Coq plugin embedding elpi
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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notations scopes bound to types not honoured for raw arguments #524

Open gares opened 11 months ago

gares commented 11 months ago


gares commented 10 months ago
From elpi Require Import elpi.

#[arguments(raw)] Elpi Command PrintCommand.
Elpi Accumulate lp:{{

  % main is, well, the entry point
  main Arguments :- coq.say "PrintCommand" Arguments.

Elpi Typecheck.
Elpi Export PrintCommand.

Definition siProp := nat -> Prop.

Definition f : siProp -> siProp.

Declare Scope siPropScope.
Delimit Scope siPropScope with S.
Bind Scope siPropScope with siProp.

About f.

Notation "'bar'" := (fun n => True) : core .
Notation "'bar'" := (f) : siPropScope .

Inductive foo : nat -> siProp :=
    | test g : bar g.
gares commented 10 months ago

@lukovdm I'm a bit confused here. I guess you want to activate siPropScope on bar by binding the scope to the siProp type. But here I don't see where the type would be imposed on bar. If you write f (bar g) then you get f (f g) as expected, since the outer f expects a siProp hence its argument is parsed in that scope. I guess you "broke" your test case by minimizing it.

lukovdm commented 10 months ago

You are right, I think I fixed my test case.

From elpi Require Import elpi.

#[arguments(raw)] Elpi Command PrintCommand.
Elpi Accumulate lp:{{

  % main is, well, the entry point
  main Arguments :- coq.say "PrintCommand" Arguments.

Elpi Typecheck.
Elpi Export PrintCommand.

Definition siProp := nat -> Prop.

Definition f : siProp -> siProp.

Declare Scope siPropScope.
Delimit Scope siPropScope with S.
Bind Scope siPropScope with siProp.

About f.

Notation "'bar'" := (fun _ n => True) : core .
Notation "'bar'" := (f) : siPropScope .

Local Open Scope core.

Inductive foo : siProp :=
    | test : bar foo.

Thus, the bar from core is taken here instead of the one from siPropScope. And when writing f (bar foo) in de inductive defintion to get coq to recognize the bound scope we do get the correct bar.

gares commented 10 months ago

I'm still confused. Take this example where I cut elpi out of the picture:

Definition siProp := nat -> Prop.

Definition f : siProp -> siProp.

Declare Scope siPropScope.
Delimit Scope siPropScope with S.
Bind Scope siPropScope with siProp.

About f.

Notation "'bar'" := (fun _ n => True) : core .
Notation "'bar'" := (f) : siPropScope .

Local Open Scope core.

Inductive foo : siProp :=
    | test : bar foo.

I get:

Error: In environment
foo : siProp
The term "(fun (H : siProp) (_ : ?T@{y:=H}) => True) foo" has type
"?T@{foo:=foo; y:=foo} -> Prop" which should be Set, Prop or Type.

So coq uses the notation from core. I don't get why you expect elpi to pick the notation from siPropScope. After all, the expected value for bar foo is siProp, while its expected type is a sort. The Bind Scope mechanisms attaches the scope to a type, and open it on terms of that expected type.