LPDI-EPFL / masif

MaSIF- Molecular surface interaction fingerprints. Geometric deep learning to decipher patterns in molecular surfaces.
Apache License 2.0
571 stars 151 forks source link

NameError: name 'read_point_cloud' is not defined #32

Closed wenyuhaokikika closed 3 years ago

wenyuhaokikika commented 3 years ago

when i run search masif-search ./second_stage_masif.sh 2000 with docker,occur problem this function not define,but i do not know where read_point_cloud where is......

root@8638240e23fe:/masif/comparison/masif_ppi_search/masif_descriptors_nn# ./second_stage_masif.sh 2000
2021-06-18 05:15:52.852452: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 AVX512F FMA
['/masif/source//masif_ppi_search/second_stage_alignment_nn.py', '../../../data/masif_ppi_search', '2000', '2000', '1000', 'masif']
Loading patch coordinates for 2I32_A_E
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/masif/source//masif_ppi_search/second_stage_alignment_nn.py", line 114, in <module>
NameError: name 'read_point_cloud' is not defined
wenyuhaokikika commented 3 years ago

sorry I pull from github first time, but i did not commit docker contain,so it just need pull again,and remember commit when logout.

wenyuhaokikika commented 3 years ago

But the docker tutorial really make me very confuse,i just want to run protein docking with my data which is two pdb chains. i only see it run with benchmark data.......