LPDI-EPFL / masif

MaSIF- Molecular surface interaction fingerprints. Geometric deep learning to decipher patterns in molecular surfaces.
Apache License 2.0
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PyMol plugin slow #40

Open fwaibl opened 2 years ago

fwaibl commented 2 years ago

Dear Masif-Team,

thanks for publishing MaSIF as open-source :-) I find the PyMol plugin very useful, and I would like to use it also for general visualization tasks. However, I found that the current version of Simple_mesh is loading very slowly when the number of vertices is high. I managed to fix it (at least for my purposes) by changing the following:

        for jj in range(len(self.attributes["vertex_x"])):
            self.vertices = np.vstack(


        self.vertices = np.vstack(

This reduces the loading time from >5 minutes (I killed PyMol at some point) to about 1 sec, for a surface with about 100000 vertices. I think this is safe to change because the jj variable is not used anywhere in the loop (maybe one could also do if len(...):?). I don't need any help with this, I just thought I'd report it in case you want to fix it on GitHub.

Best regards, Franz Waibl