LPDI-EPFL / masif

MaSIF- Molecular surface interaction fingerprints. Geometric deep learning to decipher patterns in molecular surfaces.
Apache License 2.0
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β-strand extract scripts #73

Open noobnewcomer opened 7 months ago

noobnewcomer commented 7 months ago

The paper on Nature: """ β-Strand seed library generation To collect β-strand motifs, a snapshot of the non-redundant set of the PDB was preprocessed with the MASTER softwareto enable fast structural matches. Two template motifs, one consisting of two β-strands and one consisting of three β-strands, were deprived of loops and served as input to MASTER to find sets of structurally similar motifs that would ultimately become the motif dataset for MaSIF. """ How can i do this in this repository? I find the script only that extract helix from PDB database.