LPology / Simple-Ajax-Uploader

Javascript file upload plugin with progress bar support. Works in all major browsers, including IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. No dependencies - use it with or without jQuery.
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Reset Uploader after error #149

Closed gingerkid77 closed 8 years ago

gingerkid77 commented 8 years ago


Firstly - plugin is great, simple to use. Thanks.

I have got it working very well in my app. I have an issue though if the upload fails for any reason (interrupted upload, bad URL etc). The onError() function I provide fires, but the upload button remains disabled and the upload cannot be retried.

How do I reset the plugin so an upload can be retried?

Plugin code / config below.


    $('.uploadbutton').each(function() {
  var prefix = $(this).data('filetype');

  var btn = document.getElementById(prefix + 'UploadBtn'),
      progressBar = document.getElementById(prefix + 'ProgressBar'),
      progressOuter = document.getElementById(prefix + 'ProgressOuter'),
      msgBox = document.getElementById(prefix + 'MsgBox');

  var extraData = {
          fileType: prefix,
          prevUUID: $('#' + prefix + 'uuid').val()

  var uploader = new ss.SimpleUpload({
      button: btn,
      url: '/v2/upload3',
      name: 'file',
      data: extraData,
      customHeaders: {
          'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $("meta[name='_csrf']").attr("content")
      multipart: true,
      noParams: true,
      multiple: false,
      hoverClass: 'hover',
      focusClass: 'focus',
      responseType: 'json',
      allowedExtensions: ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "pdf", "tiff"],
      maxSize: 4096,
      startXHR: function() {
          progressOuter.style.display = 'block'; 
      onChange: function(filename, extension, uploadBtn, fileSize) {

      onExtError: function(filename, extension) {
          msgBox.innerHTML = '<strong>' + escapeTags(filename) + '</strong> is not an accepted type. Please select a jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, pdf or tiff file';
          $('#' + prefix + 'uuid').val('');
      onSizeError: function(filename, fileSize) {
          msgBox.innerHTML = '<strong>' + escapeTags(filename) + '</strong> is too large. The maximum filesize is 4Mb.';
          $('#' + prefix + 'uuid').val('');
      onSubmit: function(filename, extension, uploadBtn, fileSize) {

          extraData.prevUUID = $('#' + prefix + 'uuid').val();

          msgBox.innerHTML = ''; // empty the message box
          btn.innerHTML = 'Uploading...'; // change button text to "Uploading..."
      onComplete: function(
          response) {
          btn.innerHTML = 'Change File';
          progressOuter.style.display = 'none'; // hide progress bar when upload is completed

          if (!response) {
              msgBox.innerHTML = 'Unable to upload file, no server response';
              btn.innerHTML = 'Upload';
              $('#' + response.fileType + 'uuid').val('').trigger('change');

          if (response.success === true) {
              msgBox.innerHTML = '<strong>' + escapeTags(filename) + '</strong> successfully uploaded.';
              $('#' + response.fileType + 'uuid').val(response.uuid).trigger('change');

          } else {
              if (response.msg) {
                  msgBox.innerHTML = escapeTags(response.msg);

              } else {
                  msgBox.innerHTML = 'An error occurred and the upload failed.';
      onError: function() {
              progressOuter.style.display = 'none';
              msgBox.innerHTML = 'Unable to upload file, an error occurred';
              btn.innerHTML = 'Upload';



LPology commented 8 years ago

At what point in the process is the upload button first disabled?

gingerkid77 commented 8 years ago

Hi when a file is submitted. The button is clicked and the onSubmit() method is invoked. The button is disabled and the progress bar is shown. The upload is interrupted (I think) and onError() is invoked but the button remains disabled.

My temporary fix was to call destroy() for the plugin in this event and recreate it. Not the most elegant solution but it works.

LPology commented 8 years ago

Does this work?

onError: function() {
    // other stuff
gingerkid77 commented 8 years ago

I'll test and update the ticket

LPology commented 8 years ago

Any update?