LRB-IIMCB / ninetails

An R package for finding non-adenosine residues in poly(A) tails of ONT direct RNA sequencing reads
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Error: 'convert_tailfindr_output' is not an exported object from 'namespace:ninetails' #13

Open haannguyen opened 1 month ago

haannguyen commented 1 month ago


We finally managed to install ninetails! I am trying to load in the tailfindr results, and the convert_tailfindr_output function is erroring out for me with this error: Error: 'convert_tailfindr_output' is not an exported object from 'namespace:ninetails'

The command I am running is: converted_tailfindr <- ninetails::convert_tailfindr_output(tailfindr_output ='/home/nguyenh/RCS_tail_content_1.csv'), and I have checked that we have ninetails_1.0.2.

Could you tell me if I am running it incorrectly somehow? Thank you so much!

Yours, Ha An

nemitheasura commented 4 days ago

Dear @haannguyen,

sorry for late response. I am glad you managed to install the software. The convert_tailfindr_output() function was implemented in ninetails 1.0.2 (most recent version).

First, check whether the correct version is installed on your system. CHeck the output of the following in your R/RStudio:

library(ninetails) packageVersion("ninetails")

If the version is <1.0.2 this means that you should either

a) install newest version from github

b) copy the script containing function convert_tailfindr_output() from this repository (ninetails/R/tailfindr_compatibility.R) to your local directory and source it before launching the remaining step with ninetails.

Let me know if your issue has been solved.

Best, N.