After upgrade from rspec-steps 1.0.7 to 2.1.1, my project is emitting a Steps: line of output for every example in my test suite... including the ones that do not use steps. Example below.
bundle exec rspec
Rails API server started on
Step: should not be rejected if request format other than json
.Step: should create a new document and expose it
.Step: should create an document and pass the params to it, then redirect to the page
.Step: should create a new document and expose it
.Step: should render status 422 if not saved
.Step: should return relevant errors
.Step: should return 401
.Step: should expose all images as @images
.Step: should respond with an array of the image urls
.Step: should not be rejected if request format other than json
.Step: should create a new image and expose it
.Step: should create an image and pass the params to it, then redirect to the page
.Step: should create a new image and expose it
.Step: should render status 422 if not saved
.Step: should return relevant errors
.Step: should delete the record and respond with 204
.Step: should return 401
.Step: should render status 422 if not saved
.Step: should expose the requested published menu_item as @menu_item
.Step: creates a new menu item mapper and pass the JSON to it, then redirect to
.Step: should update with menu item mapper and pass the JSON to it
.Step: should render status 422 if not updated
.Step: should find menu item and destroy
.Step: should return 401
.Step: should find all pages and pass them to Admin::PagesSerializer
.Step: should find the page and pass it to a serializer
.Step: should create a page mapper and pass the JSON to it, then redirect to the page
.Step: should render status 422 if not saved
.Step: should update with page mapper and pass the JSON to it
.Step: should render status 422 if not updated
.Step: should delete the record and respond with 204
.Step: should return 401
.Step: should expose the requested published page as @page
.Step: should fetch the array of menus and pass them to a serializer
.Step: should update with page mapper and pass the JSON to it
.Step: should render status 422 if not updated
.Step: should expose the requested published page as @page
.**Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: should sign in
.Step: should be on the admin dashboard
.Step: navigates to the users index
.Step: should be on the users index page
.Step: clicks on add a new user
.Step: should be on the user create page
.Step: fill in form and submit
.Step: should redirect to users index page and have added users email address
.Step: should sign out
.Step: should have successfully signed out
.Step: should send an email to set new password
.Step: should click link
.Step: should fill in password
.Step: should tell you to accept terms and conditions
.Step: should accep the terms and conditions
.Step: should successfully update password
.Step: should sign out
.Step: should go to sign in
.Step: should sign in with new password
.Step: should be directed to the user dashboard
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: should sign in
.Step: should be on the admin dashboard
.Step: navigates to the experiences list
.Step: should show the existing experience in the list
.Step: should be on the experiences list page
.Step: clicks on add a new experience
.Step: should be on the experience create page
.Step: fill in form and submit
.Step: should be on the experiences list page
.Step: navigates to the experiences list
.Step: should show the existing experience in the list
.Step: should be on the experiences list page
.Step: when I click to edit the experience
.Step: fill in form with new title
.Step: switch to intro tab
.Step: should be on the intro tab
.Step: fill in intro form
.Step: switch to outro tab
.Step: should be on the intro tab
.Step: fill in outro form and submit
.Step: the list should show the new title
.Step: should be on the experiences list page
.Step: when I click to edit the experience
.Step: should be back on the edit page
.Step: when I navigate to the intro
.Step: should have the intro data
.Step: when I navigate to the outro
.Step: should have the outro data
.Step: when I nagivate back to basic details
.Step: when I remove the title
.Step: go back to list of experiences
.Step: should display generated title from leader and value
.Step: clicks on add a new experience
.Step: fill in form without title and submit
.Step: should display notification for experience saved
.Step: navigates to the experiences list
.Step: should display generated title from leader and value
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: should sign in
.Step: should click edit pages
.Step: should click Create Page
.Step: should select a layout
.Step: should start editing new page
.Step: should have correct placeholders
.Step: should fill in metadata
.Step: should fill in content
.Step: should save the page
.Step: should have the edited content
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: should sign in
.Step: should be on the admin dashboard
.Step: navigates to the experiences list
.Step: should show the existing experience in the list
.Step: should be on the experiences list page
.Step: should click to edit the experience
.Step: should navigate to the segments tab
.Step: should have three segments
.Step: should open the edit card for the first segment
.Step: should fill out the information
.Step: should save the experience
.Step: should persist the segment's new information
.Step: should open the edit card for the first segment
.Step: should have the updated segment data
.Step: should add a new segment
.Step: should fill out the information
.Step: should save the experience
.Step: should persist the new segment and option
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: fills in email and password
.Step: clicks Sign In
.Step: should have Sign Out
.Step: goes to homepage
.Step: should have correct content
.Step: click on edit
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: fills in email and password
.Step: clicks Sign In
.Step: should should have Sign Out
.Step: goes to homepage
.Step: clicks on Edit
.Step: enter new title
.Step: save
.Step: persist correctly
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: fills in email and password
.Step: clicks Sign In
.Step: should should have Sign Out
.Step: goes to homepage
.Step: clicks on Edit
.Step: enter new keywords
.Step: save
.Step: have correct metadata
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: fills in email and password
.Step: clicks Sign In
.Step: should should have Sign Out
.Step: goes to homepage
.Step: clicks on Edit
.Step: enter new description
.Step: save
.Step: should have correct content
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: should sign in
.Step: should navigate to the onboarding edit page
.Step: should make changes to content
.Step: save
.Step: should have correct content
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: fills in email and password
.Step: clicks Sign In
.Step: should have admin 'Pages' link
.Step: clicks on admin Pages menu
.Step: should click on the page title
.Step: should have the correct content
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: fills in email and password
.Step: clicks Sign In
.Step: should have admin 'Pages' link
.Step: clicks on admin Pages menu
.Step: clicks on page title
.Step: clicks on Edit This Page
.Step: should edit correctly
.Step: should save the page
.Step: should save correctly
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: fills in email and password
.Step: clicks Sign In
.Step: should have admin 'Pages' link
.Step: clicks on admin Pages menu
.Step: clicks on page title
.Step: clicks on Edit This Page
.Step: change the title
.Step: click Save
.Step: should persist the Title
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: fills in email and password
.Step: clicks Sign In
.Step: should have admin 'Pages' link
.Step: clicks on admin Pages menu
.Step: clicks on page title
.Step: clicks on Edit This Page
.Step: changes the Slug
.Step: Saves
.Step: should persist correctly
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: fills in email and password
.Step: clicks Sign In
.Step: should have admin 'Pages' link
.Step: clicks on admin Pages menu
.Step: clicks on page title
.Step: clicks on Edit This Page
.Step: change the Keywords
.Step: Saves
.Step: should change the meta data
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: fills in email and password
.Step: clicks Sign In
.Step: should have admin 'Pages' link
.Step: clicks on admin Pages menu
.Step: clicks on page title
.Step: clicks on Edit This Page
.Step: changes the description
.Step: Saves
.Step: should change the description
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: fills in email and password
.Step: clicks Sign In
.Step: should have admin 'Pages' link
.Step: clicks on admin Pages menu
.Step: clicks on page title
.Step: clicks on Edit This Page
.Step: changes the custom css
.Step: Saves
.Step: should change the style
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: sign in
.Step: should be on the admin dashboard
.Step: navigates to the experiences list
.Step: should show the existing experience in the list
.Step: should be on the experiences list page
.Step: click to edit the experience
.Step: should click to edit the experience
.Step: should navigate to the intro tab
.Step: should change the intro and save
.Step: should have a toast that the experience was updated
.Step: switch to segments
.Step: should should be on the segments tab
.Step: add new segment
.Step: should have a toast that the experience was updated
.Step: should persist when I navigate back
.Step: edit the segment and save
.Step: should have a toast that the experience was updated
.Step: should persist when I navigate back
.Step: edit the segment again and save
.Step: should have a toast that the experience was updated
.Step: should persist when I navigate back
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: sign in and navigate to completed experiences
.Step: should be on the user dashboard, with the completed experience
.Step: click on Revisit button
.Step: should take user to the top of the experience
.Step: should have all segments and the outro opened up
.Step: should not display edit buttons
.Step: should not allow editing when clicking on green submit bar
.Step: go to results using button
.Step: should take user to the results page
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: click forgot password
.Step: enter email address
.Step: click send reset
.Step: should have the confirmation
.Step: should send the email
.************Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: should sign in
.Step: should be on the user dashboard
.Step: should display a list of the current experiences
.Step: should nagivate to experience without title show page
.Step: should show intro text in experience masthead
.Step: should proceed to the segments with segment title scrolling up
.Step: should display the experience title in the navbar
.Step: should navigate back to experiences page
.Step: should navigate to an experience with empty title show page
.Step: start the experience
.Step: should display the experience title in the navbar
.Step: should navigate back to experiences page
.Step: should navigate to an experience with title show page
.Step: should display the experience title
.Step: should show intro text in experience masthead
.Step: should open drawer to view leader's bio
.Step: should proceed to the segments with segment title scrolling up
.Step: should display the experience title in the navbar
.Step: should display the first segment
.Step: should display the first segment's media chunks
.Step: should display two choices
.Step: should pick a choice
.Step: should set that options radio input value to true
.Step: should show the free answer text area
.Step: click on another choice
.Step: should allow choice to be changed after initial selection
.Step: return to first choice
.Step: leave free answer text area blank and submit
.Step: should not show outcome
.Step: fill in free answer text area blank and submit
.Step: click on another choice
.Step: should not allow choice to be changed after initial selection
.Step: should show the proper outcome
.Step: leave second free answer text area blank and submit
.Step: should not display the title for the next segment
.Step: fill in second free answer text area and submit
.Step: should display title, first media chunk, and two choices for the next segment
FStep: select second choice for this segment
*Step: should display free answer after option
*Step: fill in free answer and submit
*Step: should display content for choice selected
*Step: fill in free answer 2 and submit
*Step: should show the outro
*Step: click on View Results
*Step: should go to the results page
*Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: should sign in
.Step: should be on the user dashboard
.Step: should show new experiences
.Step: should show in-progress experiences
.Step: should navigate to the proper segment for an In Progess experience
.Step: click on home link in the main menu
.Step: should go back to the user dashboard
.Step: should show the completed experiences
.Step: click on completed experience
.Step: should be on the results page
.Step: visit root via url
.Step: should go to the user dashboard
.Step: should revisit the onboarding page
.Step: visit home via url
.Step: should go to the user dashboard
.Step: should open navbar menu and close it by clicking away
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: go to onboarding page
.Step: should be on the onboarding page
.Step: visits root
.Step: clicks on the menu (if needed)
.Step: clicks on Sign In
.Step: should sign in
.Step: should be on the user dashboard
.Step: click on the completed experience
.Step: should be on results screen
.Step: should show instructions
.Step: click on the first choice
.Step: should show the results for the first choice
.Step: switch to other choice
.Step: should show the responses for the 2nd choice
.Step: switch to second segment
.Step: should show the results of the second segment
.Step: click on dashboard link
.Step: should be on the user dashboard
.Step: goes to the proper recipient
.Step: renders the subject
.Step: has the appropriate information in the email body
.Step: has the attribute to disable sendgrid mailing
.Step: should save the choice
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return choice
.Step: should save the media chunk
.Step: should update the choice
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return choice
.Step: should update the media chunk
.Step: should build the content block
.Step: should be able to return the content block without it being persisted
.Step: should save the experience
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return experience
.Step: should insert an error into the errors hash without saving anything
.Step: should update the experience
.Step: should update the intro media chunk
.Step: should update the intro content block
.Step: should add the outro media chunk
.Step: should add the outro content block and set the content type
.Step: should update the segement first media chunk
.Step: should delete the segement second media chunk
.Step: should update the first choice
.Step: should delete the old second choice
.Step: should reflect the change of third choice to second
.Step: should add the new third choice
.Step: should insert an error into the errors hash without saving anything
.Step: should update the experience
.Step: should delete the intro media chunk
.Step: should delete the intro content block
.Step: should update the experience
.Step: should delete the first segment first media chunk
.Step: should save the new segment
.Step: should save the choices
.Step: should not save the second choice media chunk content block
.Step: should save the first and second media chunks
.Step: should not save the third media chunk
.Step: should insert an error into the errors hash without saving anything
.Step: should save the experience response
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return the experience response
.Step: should set the experience association
.Step: should save the segment responses
.Step: should insert an error into the errors hash without saving anything
.Step: should update the experience response
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return experience response
.Step: should update the segment responses
.Step: should set completed_at
.Step: completed_at should still be nil
.Step: should save the media chunk
.Step: should save the associated content block and set the content type
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return media chunk
.Step: should save the media chunk
.Step: should not save an associated content block
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return media chunk
.Step: should update the the media chunk
.Step: should update the associated content block
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return media chunk
.Step: should update the the media chunk
.Step: should delete the associated content block
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return media chunk
.Step: should be able to return the menu item with correct attributes
.Step: should create the menu item
.Step: should be able to return the menu item with correct attributes
.Step: should add to error hash without saving anything
.Step: should add to error hash without saving anything
.Step: should save correct attributes to the menu item
.Step: should add to error hash without saving anything
.Step: should update the desired column
.Step: should not update anything else
.Step: should be able to return the menu item
.Step: should save without error
.Step: should be able to return the menu item with correct attributes
.Step: should be able to return the menu item with correct attributes
.Step: should save reordered menu
.Step: should be able to return the menu item with correct attributes
.Step: should create the page
.Step: should return as page
.Step: should create the content blocks
.Step: should be able to return the page
.Step: should save the page without the extra content block
.Step: should insert an error into the errors hash without saving anything
.Step: should insert an error into the errors hash without saving anything
.Step: should update the desired column
.Step: should not update anything else
.Step: should be able to return the page
.Step: should update the desired column
.Step: should not update anything else
.Step: should update the desired column
.Step: should not update anything else
.Step: should not update the desired column
.Step: should add to errors hash
.Step: should not update anything else
.Step: should save the segment
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return segment
.Step: should save the choices
.Step: should not save the second choice media chunk content block
.Step: should save the first and second media chunks
.Step: should not save the third media chunk
.Step: should insert an error into the errors hash without saving anything
.Step: should update the segment
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return segment
.Step: should update the first and second media chunks
.Step: should not save the third media chunk
.Step: should update the first choice
.Step: should delete the old second choice
.Step: should reflect the change of third choice to second
.Step: should add the new third choice
.Step: should insert an error into the errors hash without saving anything
.Step: should save the segment response
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return the segment response
.Step: should set the segment association
.Step: should save the segment response
.Step: should update the segment response
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return segment response
.Step: should save the user
.Step: should return as truthy
.Step: should be able to return user
.Step: should create and set a temporary password
.Step: should set the uid to be the email
.Step: should set the role to RegisteredUser
.Step: should insert an error into the errors hash without saving anything
.Step: should create a valid factory
.Step: should not save an experience without a leader, value, masthead, or bio
.Step: should not save an experience with a value outside of the allowed values
.Step: should create a valid factory
.*****Step: should have four menu items
.Step: should find two menus
.Step: should result in a Menu with that MenuItem stored
.Step: should result in an error
.Step: should result in a Menu with that MenuItem stored
.Step: should result in an error
.Step: should delegate proper methods
.Step: should correctly return the menu_item's id
.Step: should have the elements of the tree
.Step: should not have items outside the tree
.Step: should have one created by seeds.rb
.Step: should not allow two homepages to be created in the DB
.Step: should not allow permalink to be changed
.Step: should have one created by seeds.rb
.Step: should have the correct layout
.Step: should be a page
.Step: should have three blocks in its content
.Step: should have the correct layout
.Step: should appear in the registry
.Step: should be a page
.Step: should have four blocks in its content
.Step: should have the correct layout
.Step: should have columns called column_one and column_two
.Step: should appear in the registry
.Step: should return a hash of ContentBlocks with headline and body
.Step: should return only the included blocks
.Step: should use the validator for that content body
.Step: should use the default validator for html
.Step: should use the default validator for css
.Step: should have the correct blocks
.Step: should not change the slug
.Step: should create it based on the title
.Step: should not create two pages with the same url slug
.**Step: should allow registration of page subclasses
.Step: registers sub pages
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role/admin_spec.rb:10
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role/admin_spec.rb:11
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role/admin_spec.rb:12
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role/admin_spec.rb:13
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role/admin_spec.rb:14
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role/admin_spec.rb:15
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role/registered_user_spec.rb:10
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role/registered_user_spec.rb:11
.Step: should allow registration of role subclasses
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role_spec.rb:32
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role_spec.rb:33
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role_spec.rb:38
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role_spec.rb:39
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role_spec.rb:46
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role_spec.rb:47
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role_spec.rb:51
.Step: example at ./spec/models/role_spec.rb:52
.Step: should attach a AdminRole to the admin user
.Step: should attach a RegisteredUserRole to the registered user
.Step: should attach the user to the role
.Step: should return its role name
.Step: should not save a segment without a title
.***Step: iterates over static pages and pages
.Step: should not crash
.Step: should not crash
.Step: should have the appropriate content
.Step: should have the static paths
.Step: should take snapshots of homepage
.Step: should take snapshots of other pages
.Step: works! (now write some real specs)
*Step: works! (now write some real specs)
*Step: returns 201 with the new address in the header 'Location'
.Step: returns 422 with errors
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: is a 200 success including the serialized object
.Step: should update information
.Step: should successfully add a new segment to the segments list
.Step: should successfully delete a segment from the segments list
.Step: is a 422 with an error in response body
.Step: is a 422 with an error in response body
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: shows correctly formatted list of experiences
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: shows a correctly formatted experience
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: returns 201 with the new address in the header 'Location'
.Step: redirects to admin menu item show path
.Step: redirects to admin menu item show path
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: redirects to admin menus path
.Step: should delete information
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: generates correct json
.Step: generates correct json
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: is a 200 success including the serialized object
.Step: should update information
.Step: is a 422 with an error in response body
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: returns 201 with the new address in the header 'Location'
.Step: redirects to admin page show path
.Step: redirects to admin page show path
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: shows page as json
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: returns 200 and the serialized updated resource
.Step: should update information
.Step: should update content block information
.Step: is a 422 with an error in response body
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: shows a correctly formatted segment
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: is a 200 success including the serialized object
.Step: should update information
.Step: is a 422 with an error in response body
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: returns 201 with the new address in the header 'Location'
.Step: returns 422 with errors
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: shows users as json
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: shows user as json
.Step: should return not authorized
.Step: shows correctly formatted list of user's experience responses
.Step: should not include extraneous information
.Step: should not include other user's experience responses
.Step: shows a correctly formatted experience response
.Step: shows a correctly formatted experience response
.Step: is a 401 status
.Step: is a 200 success including the serialized object
.Step: should update the experience response
.Step: returns 422 with errors
.Step: is a 401 status
.Step: shows correctly formatted experience results
.Step: is a 401 status
.Step: shows a correctly formatted experience
.Step: shows page as json
.Step: shows page as json
.Step: shows page as json
.Step: shows route templates asjson
.Step: shows a correctly formatted segment
.Step: recognizes and generates #create
.Step: recognizes and generates #index
.Step: recognizes and generates #create
.Step: recognizes and generates #destroy
.Step: recognizes and generates #show
.Step: recognizes and generates #create
.Step: recognizes and generates #update
.Step: recognizes and generates #destroy
.Step: recognizes and generates #show
.Step: recognizes and generates #create
.Step: recognizes and generates #update
.Step: recognizes and generates #index
.Step: recognizes and generates #destroy
.Step: recognizes and generates #index
.Step: recognizes and generates #show
.Step: recognizes and generates #update
.Step: recognizes and generates #show
.Step: recognizes and generates /homepage
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should call the Media Chunk Serializer and include its data in JSON
.Step: should call the Segment Serializer and include its data in JSON
.Step: should call the Media Chunk Serializer with empty Media Chunks
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:18
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:19
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:20
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:21
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:22
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:23
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:24
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:32
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:33
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:34
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:35
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:36
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:37
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:38
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/menu_item_serializer_spec.rb:39
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:21
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:22
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:23
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:24
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:25
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:26
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:27
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:28
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:29
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:30
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:31
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/admin/page_serializer_spec.rb:32
.Step: should have the correct structure
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should call the Media Chunk Serializer and include its data in JSON
.Step: should call the Choice Serializer and include its data in JSON
.Step: should have the correct structure
.Step: should call the Admin::UserSerializer
.Step: should have the correct structure
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should call the MediaChunkSerializer
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/content_block_serializer_spec.rb:13
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/content_block_serializer_spec.rb:14
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/content_block_serializer_spec.rb:15
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/content_block_serializer_spec.rb:16
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/content_block_serializer_spec.rb:17
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/content_block_serializer_spec.rb:18
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/content_block_serializer_spec.rb:19
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should call the SegmentResponseSerializer and include its data in JSON
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should call the SegmentResultsSerializer and include its data in JSON
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should call the ExperienceSegmentsSerializer and include its data in JSON
.Step: should call the MediaChunkSerializer and include its data in JSON
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should have the right JSON structure
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:24
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:25
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:26
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:27
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:28
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:29
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:30
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:31
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:39
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:40
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:41
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:42
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:43
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:44
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:45
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:46
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/menu_node_serializer_spec.rb:47
.Step: should have correct JSON structure
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/page_serializer_spec.rb:21
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/page_serializer_spec.rb:22
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/page_serializer_spec.rb:23
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/page_serializer_spec.rb:24
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/page_serializer_spec.rb:25
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/page_serializer_spec.rb:26
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/page_serializer_spec.rb:27
.Step: example at ./spec/serializers/page_serializer_spec.rb:28
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should call the ChoiceResultsSerializer and include its data in JSON
.Step: should have the correct structure and content
.Step: should call the MediaChunkSerializer and include its data in JSON
.Step: should call the ChoiceSerializer and include its data in JSON
.Step: when development has a missing key
.Step: succeeds when development has no missing keys
.Step: when development has a missing key and test has a misformatted value
.Step: succeeds when all values are present
.Step: requires username
.Step: requires password
.Step: requires host
.Step: should succeed and create reasonable data
.Step: when development has a missing key
.Step: when development has no missing keys
.Step: when development has a missing key and test has a misformatted value
[ SNIP ]
After upgrade from rspec-steps 1.0.7 to 2.1.1, my project is emitting a Steps: line of output for every example in my test suite... including the ones that do not use steps. Example below.