LSBUGPG / UnityLibrary

A library of useful Unity components and test scenes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Respawn system + camera #94

Closed hoshpup closed 7 years ago

hoshpup commented 7 years ago

How to test.

Download and open up a new Unity project. Make sure you also import the Character Controller Package before!

Import the package by going to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package.

Once completed go to "Scenes" then click on the scene in the folder to open it.


To get it to work, firstly click on "GameManager" in the Inspector, where it says "HM" drag the "ThirdPersonController" in the Hierarchy and drop it into there.

Then click on "ThirdPersonController", drag and drop "GameManager" into "MGM" and "D Vs" in the Inspector.

Next drag the "Spawn Position" object in the Hierarchy into the "Spawn Point" slot in the "ThirdPersonController".

Finally under Main Camera in the target slot, drag and drop the "ThirdPersonController". If the script isn't present or is in an error state, simply remove and then reapply. Then follow the above instructions.

Now it should be ready to test.