Open PoisonDarterz opened 2 years ago
Getting the same error here
05-23 14:13:58.450 297 332 I am_proc_start: [0,7157,10053,org.lsposed.wsa.helper,pre-top-activity,{org.lsposed.wsa.helper/org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity}]
05-23 14:13:58.450 297 332 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7157:org.lsposed.wsa.helper/u0a53 for pre-top-activity {org.lsposed.wsa.helper/org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity}
05-23 14:13:58.468 7157 7157 W osed.wsa.helpe: Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86_64
05-23 14:13:58.470 7157 7157 E osed.wsa.helpe: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-23 14:13:58.476 297 319 I am_proc_bound: [0,7157,org.lsposed.wsa.helper]
05-23 14:13:58.478 297 319 I wm_restart_activity: [0,134638841,181,org.lsposed.wsa.helper/.MainActivity]
05-23 14:13:58.478 297 319 I wm_set_resumed_activity: [0,org.lsposed.wsa.helper/.MainActivity,minimalResumeActivityLocked]
05-23 14:13:58.479 297 324 I am_uid_active: 10053
05-23 14:13:58.487 153 153 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: <uncached descriptor>
05-23 14:13:58.594 7157 7157 W osed.wsa.helpe: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=1, found=0 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/*2527093069]} | PCL[];PCL[/data/app/~~TfV-YNaLBGf8wFw94t_SeA==/org.lsposed.wsa.helper-L7u7cVQjlyyl72M6SyppCQ==/base.apk*1534520044])
05-23 14:13:58.596 7157 7157 W osed.wsa.helpe: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=1, found=0 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/*2527093069]} | PCL[];PCL[/data/app/~~TfV-YNaLBGf8wFw94t_SeA==/org.lsposed.wsa.helper-L7u7cVQjlyyl72M6SyppCQ==/base.apk*1534520044])
05-23 14:13:58.603 7157 7157 W UnsafeUtil: platform method missing - proto runtime falling back to safer methods: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: sun.misc.Unsafe.copyMemory [class java.lang.Object, long, class java.lang.Object, long, long]
05-23 14:13:58.605 7157 7157 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting:
05-23 14:13:58.608 7157 7157 I LSPosed : got install receiver
05-23 14:13:58.609 7157 7157 I AppsRedirectionHandler: System first boot or upgrade detected, last boot:
05-23 14:13:58.611 297 7142 W system_server: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=6, found=8 (PCL[];PCL[/system/framework/*2527093069:/system/framework/services.jar*2586768366:/system/framework/services.jar!classes2.dex*2900242292:/system/framework/ethernet-service.jar*1259326997:/apex/*2473607948:/apex/*2810639921] | PCL[];PCL[])
05-23 14:13:58.611 297 7142 W system_server: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=6, found=8 (PCL[];PCL[/system/framework/*2527093069:/system/framework/services.jar*2586768366:/system/framework/services.jar!classes2.dex*2900242292:/system/framework/ethernet-service.jar*1259326997:/apex/*2473607948:/apex/*2810639921] | PCL[];PCL[])
05-23 14:13:58.618 7157 7157 I wm_on_create_called: [134638841,org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity,performCreate]
05-23 14:13:58.618 7157 7157 I wm_on_start_called: [134638841,org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity,handleStartActivity]
05-23 14:13:58.619 7157 7157 I wm_on_resume_called: [134638841,org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY]
05-23 14:13:58.624 7157 7157 I wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called: [134638841,org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity,topStateChangedWhenResumed]
05-23 14:13:58.648 297 374 I commit_sys_config_file: [settings-1-0,6]
05-23 14:13:58.656 33 33 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
05-23 14:13:58.656 7157 7175 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to initialize 101010-2 format, error = EGL_SUCCESS
05-23 14:13:58.657 7157 7175 E EGL_emulation: eglCreateContext: 0x7e42a7dd3310: maj 3 min 0 rcv 3
05-23 14:13:58.676 7157 7175 E DXCore : c0000001: NtDxgkEnumAdapters3(&EnumAdapters)
05-23 14:13:58.676 7157 7175 E DXCore : d0000001: RuntimeClassInitialize
05-23 14:13:58.676 7157 7175 E DXCore : d0000001: DXCoreCreateAdapterFactory
05-23 14:13:58.676 7157 7175 E Gralloc D3D12: Failed to create dxcore adapter factory
05-23 14:13:58.718 297 325 I input_focus: [Focus request 4698efe org.lsposed.wsa.helper/org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity,reason=UpdateInputWindows]
05-23 14:13:58.769 297 382 I input_focus: [Focus leaving 73b438e (server),reason=Waiting for window because NO_WINDOW]
05-23 14:13:58.800 297 321 I sysui_multi_action: [319,48,321,47,322,367,325,660,757,761,758,7,759,1,806,org.lsposed.wsa.helper,871,org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity,904,,905,0,945,45,1320,4,1321,4]
05-23 14:13:58.800 297 321 I wm_activity_launch_time: [0,134638841,org.lsposed.wsa.helper/.MainActivity,367]
05-23 14:13:58.800 297 321 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed org.lsposed.wsa.helper/.MainActivity: +367ms
05-23 14:13:58.816 297 382 I input_focus: [Focus entering 4698efe org.lsposed.wsa.helper/org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity (server),reason=Window became focusable. Previous reason: NOT_VISIBLE]
05-23 14:13:58.982 297 382 I input_interaction: Interaction with: 4698efe org.lsposed.wsa.helper/org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity (server), 416620 com.absinthe.libchecker/com.absinthe.libchecker.ui.main.MainActivity (server), PointerEventDispatcher0 (server),
05-23 14:13:58.982 297 382 I input_interaction: Interaction with: 4698efe org.lsposed.wsa.helper/org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity (server), PointerEventDispatcher0 (server),
05-23 14:13:59.144 297 320 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '171964a Splash Screen org.lsposed.wsa.helper (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
05-23 14:13:59.175 153 153 I sf_frame_dur: [Splash Screen org.lsposed.wsa.helper#0,10,2,0,1,0,0,0]
05-23 14:13:59.242 297 7142 W system_server: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=2, found=4 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/android.test.base.jar*1314030018]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*3239720430]} | PCL[]{PCL[]#PCL[]#PCL[]#PCL[]})
05-23 14:13:59.424 297 7142 W system_server: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=1, found=0 (PCL[]{PCL[/vendor/framework/*2982445658]} | PCL[])
05-23 14:13:59.620 297 331 I am_uid_idle: 10019
05-23 14:13:59.878 297 317 W System : A resource failed to call release.
05-23 14:13:59.922 297 7142 I BackgroundDexOptService: Pinning optimized code {}
05-23 14:14:00.238 297 323 I commit_sys_config_file: [jobs,5]
05-23 14:14:01.684 297 319 I wm_task_moved: [1,1,4]
05-23 14:14:01.685 297 319 I wm_set_resumed_activity: [0,,positionChildAt]
05-23 14:14:01.685 297 319 I wm_task_moved: [2,1,2147483647]
05-23 14:14:01.685 297 319 I wm_task_to_front: [0,2]
05-23 14:14:01.685 297 319 I wm_focused_root_task: [0,0,1,181,setFocusedRootTask]
05-23 14:14:01.685 7157 7157 I wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called: [134638841,org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity,topStateChangedWhenResumed]
05-23 14:14:01.685 297 319 I wm_set_resumed_activity: [0,,setFocusedRootTask]
05-23 14:14:01.685 529 529 I wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called: [223156210,,topStateChangedWhenResumed]
05-23 14:14:01.685 297 325 I input_focus: [Focus request 73b438e,reason=UpdateInputWindows]
05-23 14:14:01.742 297 382 I input_focus: [Focus leaving 4698efe org.lsposed.wsa.helper/org.lsposed.wsa.helper.MainActivity (server),reason=setFocusedWindow]
has someone merged the PR? would like it to be fixed ASAP..... thanks!
Whipped up a quick Magisk module for those who don't want to manually add the artifacts from the PR to their repo. It replaces the stub, uninstalls any updates that are user apps, then installs the updates.
Whipped up a quick Magisk module for those who don't want to manually add the artifacts from the PR to their repo. It replaces the stub, uninstalls any updates that are user apps, then installs the updates.
It's useless. Now that this pull request is not ready, it looks like there is a bug in the WSA itself causing shortcuts to not be added or removed and needs to wait for further investigation.
It's useless. Now that this pull request is not ready, it looks like there is a bug in the WSA itself causing shortcuts to not be added or removed and needs to wait for further investigation.
Ahh my bad, probs should have tested the helpers functionality before posting.
try resizing the app the app twice this fixed the issue for me personally but I don't know if it will fix it for others so I'm sharing it just in case it does fix it
should fix the issue on on WSA version 2205.40000.21.0
@PoisonDarterz @skittles9823 @luimunduk
try resizing the app the app twice this fixed the issue for me personally but I don't know if it will fix it for others so I'm sharing it just in case it does fix it
should fix the issue on on WSA version 2205.40000.21.0
@PoisonDarterz @skittles9823 @luimunduk
Thank you, this did the trick!
uninstalled WSA already and ditched it, for everyone wanting to have magisk and gapps then I think u need to see WSAGAscript . Already installed MuMu X with android 12L