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Change the GitHub organization name to "LSSTDESC"? #36

Closed drphilmarshall closed 7 years ago

drphilmarshall commented 7 years ago


I’ve been thinking for a while now that our GitHub organization name (DarkEnergyScienceCollaboration) is really long, and not very accurate. When we started this collaboration we were all focused on how Dark Energy science fitted in to the more general LSST science collaborations system, so we ended up talking about “the DESC", and so we made the long org name that we currently have. But now, as we interact with other projects and surveys, I think our brand is actually “LSST DESC”, so I think we should rename our organisation accordingly.

I already asked this question of the spokesperson team, but let me ask it here too:

Does anyone have any objections to us changing the GitHub organization name to “LSSTDESC”?

This would give us the public URL and would make our repo URLs more like . These addresses would better match our public website (note the lack of hyphenation).

(BTW those links don’t work, they’re just to show you what they’d look like :-))

I think if we changed the orgname, the old URLs would persist for a long time, so we wouldn’t actually break anything. Here are the GitHub docs on changing org name:

What do you think?

drphilmarshall commented 7 years ago

I notice the name "LSSTDESC" would also mirror that of our sister collaboration, Transients and Variable Stars

cwwalter commented 7 years ago

I'm for this if it can be done without breaking everything. An extra bonus is that when looking at thousands of PhilSim emails the subject line might be short enough that I can see what repo is actually being referred to in the pane that just shows subject lines.

drphilmarshall commented 7 years ago

Excellent point @cwwalter . With a better-formatted subject line my robot and I would hope to receive even more issue replies! Regarding breaking things, I think we'd want to inform the collaboration about the change, reassure them that their links to repos, issues etc will still work, but to watch out for differences in @mentioning people. We would need to fix any links to the organization profile, like the one on the front page of, and in various places on confluence.

brianv0 commented 7 years ago

Not a requirement, but I think it's nice if it's all lower case.

W.R.T. to renaming: GitHub won't break things in the short term (it knows the old name and new name and can do some magic/forwarding based on that, so pushes/pulls will still work) but eventually you want to fix your stuff.

drphilmarshall commented 7 years ago

OK, I'll go ahead and make this change, and own it to the Members. Wish me luck! :-)