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Set up gen3 repo on NERSC CFS for general DESC access #59

Closed heather999 closed 2 years ago

heather999 commented 2 years ago

Jim requested that the Run2.2i and Run3.1i gen3 repos currently on /global/cscratch1/sd/descdm/Gen3/Run*i could be set up on CFS at NERSC.

The area will be set up under /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/gen3/DC2/Run*i

To allow DESC users to easily utilize these repositories, they should be able to add symlinks to their own area (such as on CSCRATCH) under /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/gen3/DC2/Run2.2i/run22_repo/u for example.

A globus copy is currently ongoing to copy the content of /global/cscratch1/sd/descdm/Gen3/Run*i to CFS. When complete, permissions need to be set up to allow all members of our DESC lsst Unix group the ability to add these symlinks.

heather999 commented 2 years ago

The globus copy completed. On Slack, Jim indicated that Run3.1i/run31_repo could be removed and we have no interest in the contents of Run2.2i/run22_repo/u So those have been removed.

The /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/gen3 area allows full access to any desc* collaboration account, including descdm, so that should allow others to clean up as necessary.

I've set up /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/gen3/DC2/Run2.2i/run22_repo/u to allow write by anyone in the lsst Unix group (all DESC NERSC users) and I've tested that will allow creation of symlinks in the u directory while preventing full access to the rest of the directory structure. Once run31_repo is set up , we'll want to do the same thing and set the permissions appropriately.

jchiang87 commented 2 years ago

I did some housekeeping on the new repositories to make sure they are usable for Gen3 processing:



I also tested both repos by running DRP processing on the data in each.

jchiang87 commented 2 years ago

I think we're good to go here. Closing.