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Find missing visits in Run2.2i Y02 dataset #387

Closed jchiang87 closed 4 years ago

jchiang87 commented 4 years ago

Here are the depth maps for the Y02 data processed for Run2.2i as of today: Run2 2i_y02_log10_depths We have ascertained that there are ~550 visits in the minion_1016 ops db that we had intended to process but which do not appear in the Run2.2i processed calexps.

The missing visits seem to be the ones we generated for Run2.1.1i, which we omitted from Run2.2i to avoid redoing the image sims. We'll use this issue to document what files are missing, and what's available from Run2.1.1i, both in terms of raw files and in processed data.

johannct commented 4 years ago

relevant pointer from the record of transfers NERSC <-> IN2P3 :

johannct commented 4 years ago

this resulted in 257 visits processed, the list being attached


jchiang87 commented 4 years ago

Here's a file with the missing y02 visits: Run2.2i_y02_missing_visits.txt There are 555 visits and the columns in the file are visit number and MJD.

Here is the code that generated this list:

import os
import glob
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd

# Find the visits that were processed
visit_dirs = glob.glob('/global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/DC2_ImSim/Run2.2i/desc_dm_drp/v19.0.0-v1/rerun/run2.2i-calexp-v1/calexp/*')
processed_visits = set(int(os.path.basename(_).split('-')[0]) for _ in visit_dirs)

# Extract the y02 visits from the minion_1016 db
with sqlite3.connect('/global/homes/j/jchiang8/scratch/desc/Run2.2i/minion_1016_desc_dithered_v4_trimmed.db') as conn:
    df = pd.read_sql('select * from summary', conn)
t0 = min(df['expMJD'])

my_df = df.query(f'{t0 + 365} < expMJD < {t0 + 2*365}')
minion_visits = set(my_df['obsHistID'])

# Find the missing visits
missing_visits = sorted(list(minion_visits.difference(processed_visits)))

# Write a file with the visits and MJDs
expMJDs = dict(zip(my_df['obsHistID'], my_df['expMJD']))

missing_visits = {visit: expMJDs[visit] for visit in missing_visits}
with open('Run2.2i_y02_missing_visits.txt', 'w') as output:
    for visit, expMJD in missing_visits.items():
        output.write(f'{visit}   {expMJD:.2f}\n')
johannct commented 4 years ago

ok my list of visits is contained in yours, Jim. So we need to make sure we understand what is going on with the other ones : the ones downloaded to CC go from 00385844 to 00445379 according to the naming convention in the paths at CC.

villarrealas commented 4 years ago

all_visits_to_date_031220.txt At the request of Jim, here is a file containing all visits simulated to date!

jchiang87 commented 4 years ago

Based on Antonio's list of simulated visits and on the master list of minion_1016 visits, there are 540 visits missing in total through year 3. However, about half of those visits (specifically all of the y01 and y03 missing ones) are on the periphery of the DC2 300 sq degree region, and 256 would need to be simulated to fill the hole in y02. Here is the summary plot showing the distribution of missing visits as function of MJD, and the centers of the visits (i.e., the pointing directions) for each year. missing_visits_summary (I've updated the plots of the pointing directions with the boundary of the DC2 300 sq degree region.)

STOP PRESS: Eve recalled that we found a problem with the redshifts in the instance catalogs used for Run2.1.1i (redshift_true was used instead of redshift, which includes peculiar velocities), so we would need to re-simulate all of the visits in hole, nominally the 555 I posted above.

villarrealas commented 4 years ago

Heather and I are pulling Y2 Run2.2 instance catalogs to tape to prep for any necessary resimulation and verify that these visits did recieve these updated instance catalogs. Now that the memory is flowing, I thought we had chosen to resim y2 from scratch because of this issue and I am unsure why we are missing these visits...

jchiang87 commented 4 years ago

Here's a plot of the pointing directions of the 555 y02 "missing" visits: y02_missing_visits As noted above, the visits in this list are the ones in minion_1016 that are not in registry.sqlite3 for y02. Assuming we will skip the visits outside of the DC2 boundary, there are 513 visits to simulate, which are plotted in red. Here is the list: y02_missing_visits_to_simulate.txt

heather999 commented 4 years ago

The Y02 Run2.2i instance catalogs are being copied from HPSS and are appearing here: /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/DC2_ImSim/Run2.2i/InstCat/copyFromHPSS/y02_191109 I expect the transfer to finish in the next ~4 hours, and then it's just a matter of extracting the tarballs.

heather999 commented 4 years ago

Antonio tells me that what I pulled from HPSS and put into /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/DC2_ImSim/Run2.2i/InstCat/copyFromHPSS/y02_191109 - contains none of the missing visits. This is a bit mystifying, because I copied these files directly from the instance catalog area Scott used to generate the instance catalogs: /global/cscratch1/sd/descim/instcat_y02_191109 However there is another stash of instance catalogs on projecta: /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/DC2_ImSim/Run2.2i/InstCat/WFD/y02 which is owned by the descim account, that I have no knowledge of. I don't know where this set of instance catalogs came from and why it seems to be completely distinct from what I thought was the full set.

A couple of things.. we need to verify that the instance catalogs contained in /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/DC2_ImSim/Run2.2i/InstCat/WFD/y02 should be used to generate the missing visits - are they configured correctly? Who can check this? And secondly - it would be nice to figure out where this stash came from. I'll set out to add this set to HPSS so we have them all stored for posterity. If there are no objections - I will remove the copy of y02 instance catalogs that I already pulled from HPSS to free up some disk space, as it seems we don't need them.

katrinheitmann commented 4 years ago

I hope we did use the new instance catalogs that Joanne generated and not the incorrect once from Scott. I also hope that the instance catalogs we used were not purged by now if they were not moved.

Antonio, can you clarify what you used?

On 3/13/20 11:44 AM, Heather Kelly wrote:

Antonio tells me that what I pulled from HPSS and put into |/global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/DC2_ImSim/Run2.2i/InstCat/copyFromHPSS/y02_191109|

  • contains none of the missing visits. This is a bit mystifying, because I copied these files directly from the instance catalog area Scott used to generate the instance catalogs: |/global/cscratch1/sd/desc/HPSS/dc2/run2.2i/instCat/y02| However there is another stash of instance catalogs on projecta: |/global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/DC2_ImSim/Run2.2i/InstCat/WFD/y02| which is owned by the |descim| account, that I have no knowledge of. I don't know where this set of instance catalogs came from and why it seems to be completely distinct from what I thought was the full set.

A couple of things.. we need to verify that the instance catalogs contained in |/global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/DC2_ImSim/Run2.2i/InstCat/WFD/y02| should be used to generate the missing visits - are they configured correctly? Who can check this? And secondly - it would be nice to figure out where this stash came from. I'll set out to add this set to HPSS so we have them all stored for posterity. If there are no objections - I will remove the copy of y02 instance catalogs that I already pulled from HPSS to free up some disk space, as it seems we don't need them.

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heather999 commented 4 years ago

I think what I stored to HPSS is what Joanne generated.. Though I would like to clarify what area was used for her instance catalog generation - I believe it was in the same area that Scott originally used. These files were copied to tape on Jan 31, 2020 from /global/cscratch1/sd/descim/instcat_y02_191109 Note the corrected path from what I commented above.

jchiang87 commented 4 years ago

The fact that those files retrieved from HPSS do not have the missing visits explains why the images for those visits were not generated in the first place, since the intent for Run2.2i was to generate imsim data for everything. I'd like to have a closer look at the unpacked files myself first, but I expect there is something in the instance catalog generation scripts that skipped the Run2.1.1i visits that was still enabled when Joanne remade the instance catalogs with the corrected redshifts, etc..

villarrealas commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that we used the instance catalogs that were then stored to tape. That gives us a good explanation as to why we missed these visits at least, since my worklist pulls directly from the list of instance catalogs and then trims based on the sensor region.

As to why we seemingly have the remaining instance catalogs in another folder... that I cannot answer. My only possible guess is that we separated them out, but I do not recall doing this and the folder naming is not consistent with this hypothesis.

jchiang87 commented 4 years ago

As to why we seemingly have the remaining instance catalogs in another folder

Which folder specifically?

jchiang87 commented 4 years ago

Here is the provenance of the instcats in /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/Run2.2i/InstCat/WFD/y02:

Scott wrote them and they were the ones used to find and diagnose the redshift problem (among other things).

villarrealas commented 4 years ago

Wait, is that perhaps why these were left out of the remaining instance catalogs? These were final versions and it was just chosen not to redo the work during instance catalog generation?

jchiang87 commented 4 years ago

That seems to be the case in that these were meant to be the final versions, but they were found to have the redshift bug when we made the comparisons with the truth catalogs.

jchiang87 commented 4 years ago

@JoanneBogart has agreed to generate new instance catalogs for the 513 visits that are needed using the list posted above. Once those are available, we can use them to generate the images for those visits.

villarrealas commented 4 years ago

Sounds like a plan to me, though I thought these would be equivalent to those in /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/Run2.2i/InstCat/WFD/y02. Were additional changes needed from that baseline?

jchiang87 commented 4 years ago

The files in that directory used incorrect redshifts as we found by comparing the implied fluxes with the truth catalog values, and there are only 279 of them.

villarrealas commented 4 years ago

Hrm. I would have sworn I remember looking at it and having 500+ instance catalogs. Still, if they were with incorrect redshifts, we can wait for Joanne to generate the remaining 513 visits worth.

JoanneBogart commented 4 years ago

The job is running now. It should be done in a few hours. For the most part it looks ok (254 catalogs have been written successfully so far) but there are one or two problems. I 'll have to make another small run to redo those.

JoanneBogart commented 4 years ago

500 catalogs were written without error. The tar files are available at /global/cscratch/descim/y02_instCat_missing

I'll redo the others and put them in a separate directory.

katrinheitmann commented 4 years ago

When you say "the others" you mean the other 13? Just to be sure, we only have to redo the "hole" now, everything else is correct, right? (It's sometimes hard to follow the discussions). Thanks!

JoanneBogart commented 4 years ago

Yes. Just the other 13 from Jim's list above.

JoanneBogart commented 4 years ago

Those 13 are now done as well. The tar files are in /global/cscratch/descim/y02_instCat_missing_remaining

jchiang87 commented 4 years ago

With the instance catalogs generated and simulations running, I'm closing this issue. If we need to track anything having to do with sims or image processing, we can open an new issue.