A repository to host code and documents for the Observing Strategy Task Force
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Write-up Results #12

Open MichelleLochner opened 5 years ago

MichelleLochner commented 5 years ago

Please write-up your results on the write-up branch. I'll create a set of tex files each group can edit and feel free to create addition tex files that can be \input into your group's main tex file. Don't worry about perfect writing, just get your results down and your figures in. We'll collate everything into the journal articles and white papers after we have everyone's results.

Have a look at the README for what we're expecting from each working group (points i to vii). Obviously we'll also have some subsections on combining probes, please add these as separate tex files with sensible names and \input them into the main file.

Please include your work on both WFD and DDF with clear section headings! Also please give your figures sensible names and consider creating a subdirectory if you have a lot of figures. Bear in mind there's a 99% chance we'll ask you to remake your figures to ensure consistency, so make sure they're in easily rerunable scripts.