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Modified (wider?) footprint for WFD #5

Open humnaawan opened 5 years ago

humnaawan commented 5 years ago

We'd like to change what is considered the Wide-Fast-Deep (WFD) area given that the current WFD region includes high-extinction area that is useless for extragalactic science. We also want to maximize the utility of the footprint, exploring more than 18K coverage after 10 years.

See some numbers/maps here.

humnaawan commented 5 years ago

Based on conversations with @rhiannonlynne @oboberg @egawiser at the Project & Community Workshop 2018, we can send over a modified footprint for WFD to the OpSim team and they can simulate the LSST cadence for us. For this purpose, we need a list of HEALPix pixels that defines a proposed footprint; a list of corresponding fieldIDs would be nice too.

humnaawan commented 5 years ago

Just to note this for documentation purposes: the wider footprint details were forwarded for an OpSim run yesterday (09/06/18).

For reference, the footprint file is in /global/homes/a/awan/desc and is named 10yrFootprint_pontus_2002_nside256_NoDither_ebv<0.2.pickle; this notebook recreates the survey mask from the pickle file (last output cell).

humnaawan commented 5 years ago

Followed up today on the status of the OpSim run in the extinction-limited footprint. Also sent over the pixel/fieldID list for the 18K WFD footprint, and requested a rolling cadence in the wider footprint alongside the baseline one.

The HEALPix pixels in the proposed WFD region are in /global/homes/a/awan/desc/wfd_footprint. More details are in the readme and host branch.