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Add urls for opsim output downloads #6

Open rbiswas4 opened 5 years ago

rbiswas4 commented 5 years ago

It is somewhat difficult to find the outputs of the 10 survey strategies that have been produced for the paper. @humnaawan has put these on nersc at /global/cscratch1/sd/awan/dbs_wp_unzipped/ . It may be good to add some of the urls here as well.

humnaawan commented 5 years ago

Here's my bash script that did it:


for i in colossus_2665 pontus_2002 colossus_2664 colossus_2667 pontus_2489 kraken_2035 mothra_2045 pontus_2502 kraken_2036 kraken_2026
        echo starting with: $i
        gunzip $i.db.gz

Note that if this script is not run in $SCRATCH, it is necessary to remove the gunzip $i.db.gz line to not unzip the files; NERSC home quota wont be able to handle it.