LSSTDESC / SRV-planning

Repository to plan and coordinate some of the Science Release and Validation Working Group tasks
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[RFC] Options for validation platforms for upcoming data #3

Open nsevilla opened 2 years ago

nsevilla commented 2 years ago

Summary Rubin will produce data sets in the form of Data Previews and Data Releases on which the SRV group would like to run a consistent set of tests and analyses for general characterization of the data, reporting on data related problems and regression purposes. We would like to address beforehand the most convenient way of building this software + analysis platform.

Description A couple of options are outlined below. This RFC will hold comments and further options.

nsevilla commented 2 years ago

During April-June, at the Computing WG DESC telecons, these possible approaches were presented. Further discussions with DESCQA users and developers made Javi and I think DESCQA was a good option, due to the extent of its development and being tailored for DESC. However, it was pointed out that it would be useful to have the discussion and decision steps laid out here to settle the decision and future reference.

nsevilla commented 2 years ago
nsevilla commented 2 years ago

I am going to close this RFC, as it has been superseded by issue #9 .

nsevilla commented 1 year ago

Reopening the RFC, to address the possibility of incorporating analysis_tools as part of the test framework.

nsevilla commented 1 year ago

During the 2022 August meetings (DESC and PCW), several people expressed that the use of Rubin's analysis_tools as a part/totality of our testing strategy would be good to:

At the September 13th telecon , we reviewed this and several concerns were expressed, mainly:

Exploring analysis_tools capabilities was seen as a worthy task for Sprint Week.

nsevilla commented 1 year ago

Some conclusions and materials from the sprint by @psferguson @patricialarsen can be found at

nsevilla commented 1 year ago

We are currently continuing work on our test framework using DESCQA as our baseline. There are several reasons for this: