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Give slosar write permission to repo #14

Closed slosar closed 8 years ago

slosar commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to commit a jupyter notebook containing QA plots for issue #4, but don't have permission. @cwwalter , please fix.

cwwalter commented 8 years ago

@slosar I think I fixed it. Please try. Try to put it in a sub-directory.

@connolly and @drphilmarshall I changed the permissions to be be write for the DESC. After I did this the "watched" count went from 8 to 198. Is that right? I think everyone in the DESC is now going to see issue commits here. I tried to change it to just back to just read for DESC and write for the Survey Sim group with the idea of adding @slosar there but that didn't see to change anything. What is the correct behavior?

slosar commented 8 years ago

It did work, but will leave issue open until connolly and drphil answer...

drphilmarshall commented 8 years ago

Hi all,

This looks like an interesting GitHub learning moment!

By giving a GitHub team "Write" permissions to this repository, we are saying to GitHub that everyone in that team is a close collaborator, who will be trusted to edit each others work with no review necessary. This is often the way people use svn, for example. It looks as though GitHub is inferring that if a team is trusted enough to be permission to push edits directly to the master branch of the base repo, they will also be engaged enough to be added to the watchlist so that they receive all notifications (at least until they turn them off by clicking "Unwatch"). This makes some sense, I think: if I am working with a team of people who can over-write any content in the repo at any time, I want them all to be easily reachable!

However, in this case I think it is not what was intended. So, I have switched the permissions on the "Members" team (hi everyone! :-) ) back to "Read", but that did not change the watchlist - I will report this to GitHub as a bug. I will now attempt to clear the watchlist by 1) removing the Members team entirely, and if that doesn't work, 2) making the repo private and then public again. I'll let you know how I get on.

In the meantime, I created a new "DC1 Roadmappers" team that has write permissions to this repo, and added @slosar to it. You can now talk directly to that team of close collaborators by mentioning them as @DarkEnergyScienceCollaboration/dc1-roadmappers (just type '@' and then 'dc1' and it should offer you a completion). BTW it's good practice to do things in teams, I think - "collaborators" is really designed for people who are not members of this organization.



drphilmarshall commented 8 years ago

OK, solution 1) did not work, but solution 2 did! If you want to clean your repo's watchlist of everyone except people who have "Write" or "Admin" access, remove the other teams, make it private and then make it public again. Members now have "Read" access, Anze can push directly to the repo.

drphilmarshall commented 8 years ago

OK, bug reported to GitHub. Not sure they can do much in the short term, but I suggested allowing repo admins to manage their repo's watchlist. BTW in your profile, you can choose not to be automatically added to watchlists - but the default is that you will be.

cwwalter commented 8 years ago

Thanks Phil!