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Meeting repository for the LSST DESC 2020 Sprint Week
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[SPRINT] SL-Resolution Raytracing for CosmoDC2 #67

Open jiwoncpark opened 3 years ago

jiwoncpark commented 3 years ago

SL-resolution raytracing for CosmoDC2

Postprocess the weak lensing convergence values in CosmoDC2 for finer resolutions appropriate for strong lensing studies.

Contacts: Ji Won Park (@jiwoncpark) Day/Time: Monday 12 - 6pm ET, Tuesday through Friday 9am - 3pm ET Main communication channel: #desc-sl-environment GitHub repo:

Goals and deliverable

I will implement the raytracing pipeline for one healpixel of the cosmoDC2 sky area. Then I will validate the statistics of the resulting convergence values.

Resources and skills needed

Python, NERSC, CosmoDC2

Detailed description

The resulting product will serve as the training set for a graph neural network that infers the posterior PDF on the external convergence, given the photometric information of galaxies in the associated line of sight. The external convergence is an important source of systematics in time delay cosmography. Details can be found in this paper draft in progress (view-only Overleaf link).