LSSTDESC / SprintWeek2020

Meeting repository for the LSST DESC 2020 Sprint Week
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Information / resources for the qp tutorial. #71

Open eacharles opened 3 years ago

eacharles commented 3 years ago

This tutorial will be in zoom room DESC-14 (see here for link).

)I have set up the desc-sprint-2020 branch of the DESC fork of the qp package to run this tutorial for those that would like to follow along.

I will be running the demo.ipyynb and pratical-exmaple.ipynb notebooks from the docs/notebooks area.

Depending on your setup you may need to make sure that latex setup and in your path, in order for matplotlib to properly render the plots.

These tutorials will cover the basic interfaces and the practical example will use some data from DC2. If you have input about the interfaces, it would be great to get it before we lock down them down.

I will also talk a but about how to contribute to qp, and in particular how to make new PDF representations.