Implement a P(k, z) modifier systematic in firecrown
Build an API that takes in a power spectrum model and scale cuts and returns a firecrown likelihood specification
2.1 Stretch goal: use API to create mock data vector with specified baryon model
Decide on which mocks to use and if/how to blind
Finalise the evaluation requirements
Resources and skills needed
firecrown, CCL, sacc
Detailed description
For the baryon challenge we need an API that allows entrants to easily plug their model for the matter power spectrum into a firecrown likelihood. The goal of this sprint is to define this API and ideally implement it. This might require changes to the guts of firecrown. Once the API is in place, it can also be used to create the mock data vectors for the challenge, which would be the stretch goal for the week.
Baryon challenge
We need to build the infrastructure to create and analyse mock data vectors for the baryon challenge.
Contacts: @tilmantroester, @roohi-dalal, @aamon, @elisachisari Day/Time: ~all week, remote Main communication channel: #desc-baryon-challenge GitHub repo: Zoom room:
Goals and deliverable
Resources and skills needed
firecrown, CCL, sacc
Detailed description
For the baryon challenge we need an API that allows entrants to easily plug their model for the matter power spectrum into a firecrown likelihood. The goal of this sprint is to define this API and ideally implement it. This might require changes to the guts of firecrown. Once the API is in place, it can also be used to create the mock data vectors for the challenge, which would be the stretch goal for the week.