LSSTDESC / bayesian-pipelines-cosmology

Bayesian Cosmological Inference from Tomographic Maps
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Prototype forward modelling framework #8

Open EiffL opened 2 years ago

EiffL commented 2 years ago

We can use this issue to discuss how we want to build our framework for describing the forward model.

I'm going to propose a framework based on JAX and numpyro as the PPL, which we can then discuss :-)

EiffL commented 2 years ago

My first prototype model using the DC2 n(z) provided by @elts6570 in #5 , a low resolutiton PM nbody, a E&H power spectrum, and Born convergence can be found here

Here is what the model looks like:

def forward_model():
  This function defines the top-level forward model for our observations
  # Sampling cosmological parameters and defines cosmology
  Omega_c = numpyro.sample('Omega_c', dist.Uniform(0.1, 0.9))
  sigma8 = numpyro.sample('sigma8', dist.Uniform(0.4, 1.0))
  Omega_b = numpyro.sample('Omega_b', dist.Uniform(0.03, 0.07))
  h = numpyro.sample('h', dist.Uniform(0.55, 0.91))
  n_s = numpyro.sample('n_s', dist.Uniform(0.87, 1.07)) 
  w0 = numpyro.sample('w0', dist.Uniform(-2.0, -0.33))
  cosmo = jc.Cosmology(Omega_c=Omega_c, sigma8=sigma8, Omega_b=Omega_b,
                       h=h, n_s=n_s, w0=w0, Omega_k=0., wa=0.)

  # Generate lightcone density planes through an nbody
  density_planes = nbody(cosmo)

  # Create photoz systematics parameters, and create derived nz 
  nzs_s_sys = [jc.redshift.systematic_shift(nzi, 
                                            numpyro.sample('dz%d'%i, dist.Normal(0., 0.01)), 
                for i, nzi in enumerate(nz_shear)]

  # Generate convergence maps by integrating over nz and source planes
  convergence_maps = [simps(lambda z: nz(z).reshape([-1,1,1]) * kappa(cosmo, density_planes, z), 0., 2.5, N=64) 
                      for nz in nzs_s_sys]

  # Apply noise to the maps (this defines the likelihood)
  observed_maps = [numpyro.sample('kappa_%d'%i, 
                                  dist.Normal(k, sigma_e/jnp.sqrt(10**2*galaxy_density))) # assumes pixel size of 10 arcmin
                   for i,k in enumerate(convergence_maps)]

  return observed_maps

It uses these true n(z) for source redshift: image and generates corresponding tomographic convergence maps: image

I'm going to commit the code in a branch for review.

jecampagne commented 2 years ago

I do not see where the 'fn' are generated in

EiffL commented 2 years ago

They are generated there:

                                  dist.Normal(k, sigma_e/jnp.sqrt(10**2*galaxy_density))) #
jecampagne commented 2 years ago

ha Yes! the trace return a dictionary with the 'fn' key word, as for instance (nothing to do with the present use-case)

                     {'args': (),
                      'fn': <numpyro.distributions.continuous.Normal object at 0x7f9e689b1eb8>,
                      'is_observed': False,
                      'kwargs': {'rng_key': DeviceArray([0, 0], dtype=uint32)},
                      'name': 'a',
                      'type': 'sample',
                      'value': DeviceArray(-0.20584235, dtype=float32)})])
EiffL commented 2 years ago


This notebook runs an HMC on a simplified full field inference problem:
