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Initial document entry #110

Open sethdigel opened 5 years ago

sethdigel commented 5 years ago

In defining a proceedings paper in a DESC Project, the system is requiring me to enter arXiv, Published_reference, DOI, and ADS bibcode fields. At the time an entry is created, none of these will necessarily be known.

In defining a Data release document, we'll need to allow for at least a DOI field (optionally filled when the document is first defined).

For a Note the arXiv and Published_reference fields should be optional.

For a Policy document, the Lead Author(s) field should be optional. (Generally, I do not think we will have designated lead authors for these kinds of documents.)

For a Software_tool, a DOI field should be added (optionally filled).

For a Thesis it would be useful to have a URL field (optionally filled) that is a link to the released version of the thesis. They are not generally published, but looking at the Fermi PhD theses, I see that they end up being posted at various university sites and generally are reachable via a URL.

sethdigel commented 5 years ago

For a Policy document I am still being required to designate a lead author.

sethdigel commented 5 years ago

Thank you for making the arXiv and Published_reference [Published reference?] fields optional for Notes, and for removing the Lead author field for Policy documents.

For a Proceedings paper the system is still requiring me to enter an arXiv number when I first create the document.

For Data release and Software_tool [can it be Software tool?], the DOI field is not present yet.

For a Thesis the URL field is not present yet