Top level "umbrella" package for RAIL
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Gather demo notebooks from older standalones #48

Open aimalz opened 1 year ago

aimalz commented 1 year ago

Some of the rail repos created before the recent refactoring have single-estimator demos in nonuniformly named directories, but the recently made rail repos had their demos moved to this repo. This issue is for gathering the single-estimator demos from the following places and sorting them into the demo directories under examples here:

To document this change, @alice-crafford has made the helpful suggestion to add explanatory text in each subdirectory of rail/examples describing what can be found in each of the demos so users asking "Where should I look to see how to do X?" can answer their own questions rather than asking a developer every time. All the rail/examples subdirectories except for estimation_examples actually have a starting point in a, so this is mostly about making sure those all exist, are complete, and have sufficient detail for a user to determine which they need.

(I think it's fine for this issue to just get the descriptions into READMEs until #42 is resolved, but the next step would be to ensure this content gets rendered on ReadTheDocs, which may entail moving their contents to other .rst files within rail/docs/source.)

OliviaLynn commented 11 months ago

My running notes -

Moving in:

Moved in:




Currently removing:
