LSSTDESC / skyCatalogs

Create sky catalogs and provide access via API
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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U/jrbogart/nsides #63

Closed JoanneBogart closed 9 months ago

JoanneBogart commented 9 months ago

Add options to the catalog creation script, applying to galaxies only, which

jchiang87 commented 9 months ago

Since we'll be changing the galaxy SED model soon, and since so much code has been added/changed here having to do with the top hat SEDs, this seems like a good opportunity to refactor the code to remove the assumption that top hat SEDs will be used for galaxies. So, I'd suggest making _make_tophat_columns a method of TopHatSedFactory and integrating the functionality in _get_tophat_info into TopHatSedFactory.__init__, and having things like ._sed_bins be attributes of TopHatSedFactory instead of the CatalogCreator class.

JoanneBogart commented 9 months ago

Concerning your comment about tophat SEDs - yes, the current assumptions about tophat SEDs will have to go, but there will be other changes involved in supporting multiple galaxy types. I'd rather deal with them together (as they are likely inter-related) in a separate PR.