LSSTDESC / tomo_challenge

2020 Tomographic binning challenge
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Neural Network submission to the challenge including 3x2 and FoM or SNR #9

Open EiffL opened 4 years ago

EiffL commented 4 years ago

This PR presents a complete solution to the current challenge, including trained models, plots, and result metrics. It's an update of #4 for the new form of the challenge.

I haven't done any optimization of the model yet, and there is a high probability that I still have bugs somewhere, but wanted to share some of the results.

Here are the caveats:

When optimized on the total 3x2 SNR, the neural network generally tries to build disjoint bins: NeuralNetwork_bins_4metric_SNR_riz

When optimizing on the FoM, it doesn't care that much and seems to like weird solutions where one large bin has contributions at both low and high redshift: NeuralNetwork_bins_4metric_FOM_riz

plots can be found in the plots folder, and results of the metric in the example folder. Note that I have noticed the FoM values out of cosmosis to be quite finicky so I don't trust them too much.

EiffL commented 4 years ago

Here are my results with the new Buzzard dataset, only on riz:

First the numbers. This is when optimizing for the 3x2pt SNR:

NeuralNetwork run_2 {'bins': 2, 'metric': 'SNR', 'colors': True, 'errors': True} {'SNR_ww': 241.63026428222656, 'SNR_gg': 940.3321533203125, 'SNR_3x2': 942.7998046875, 'FOM_3x2': 243.771484375, 'FOM_DETF_3x2': 15.72159194946289} 
NeuralNetwork run_3 {'bins': 3, 'metric': 'SNR', 'colors': True, 'errors': True} {'SNR_ww': 248.8756561279297, 'SNR_gg': 1102.00390625, 'SNR_3x2': 1104.1590576171875, 'FOM_3x2': 973.4478759765625, 'FOM_DETF_3x2': 26.389142990112305} 
NeuralNetwork run_4 {'bins': 4, 'metric': 'SNR', 'colors': True, 'errors': True} {'SNR_ww': 249.84535217285156, 'SNR_gg': 1282.79638671875, 'SNR_3x2': 1283.5755615234375, 'FOM_3x2': 1571.1767578125, 'FOM_DETF_3x2': 43.85069274902344} 
NeuralNetwork run_6 {'bins': 6, 'metric': 'SNR', 'colors': True, 'errors': True} {'SNR_ww': 251.74142456054688, 'SNR_gg': 1534.844970703125, 'SNR_3x2': 1535.3115234375, 'FOM_3x2': 3477.149169921875, 'FOM_DETF_3x2': 62.80626678466797} 

and this is when optimizing for the FoM

NeuralNetwork run_2 {'bins': 2, 'metric': 'FOM_DETF', 'colors': True, 'errors': True} {'SNR_ww': 229.99960327148438, 'SNR_gg': 875.3194580078125, 'SNR_3x2': 880.5097045898438, 'FOM_3x2': 879.8873901367188, 'FOM_DETF_3x2': 19.864736557006836} 
NeuralNetwork run_3 {'bins': 3, 'metric': 'FOM_DETF', 'colors': True, 'errors': True} {'SNR_ww': 241.28668212890625, 'SNR_gg': 1048.0006103515625, 'SNR_3x2': 1049.4024658203125, 'FOM_3x2': 1502.3333740234375, 'FOM_DETF_3x2': 40.038536071777344} 
NeuralNetwork run_4 {'bins': 4, 'metric': 'FOM_DETF', 'colors': True, 'errors': True} {'SNR_ww': 251.23098754882812, 'SNR_gg': 1225.9722900390625, 'SNR_3x2': 1226.718994140625, 'FOM_3x2': 2399.321044921875, 'FOM_DETF_3x2': 57.30086135864258} 
NeuralNetwork run_6 {'bins': 6, 'metric': 'FOM_DETF', 'colors': True, 'errors': True} {'SNR_ww': 252.17022705078125, 'SNR_gg': 1488.3408203125, 'SNR_3x2': 1488.90576171875, 'FOM_3x2': 4554.12744140625, 'FOM_DETF_3x2': 70.29737091064453}
NeuralNetwork run_8 {'bins': 8, 'metric': 'FOM_DETF', 'colors': True, 'errors': True} {'SNR_ww': 252.5953826904297, 'SNR_gg': 1566.8817138671875, 'SNR_3x2': 1567.531005859375, 'FOM_3x2': 5813.3740234375, 'FOM_DETF_3x2': 84.68102264404297} 
NeuralNetwork run_10 {'bins': 10, 'metric': 'FOM_DETF', 'colors': True, 'errors': True} {'SNR_ww': 253.09963989257812, 'SNR_gg': 1743.9248046875, 'SNR_3x2': 1744.4259033203125, 'FOM_3x2': 7897.42431640625, 'FOM_DETF_3x2': 95.17367553710938} 
NeuralNetwork run_12 {'bins': 12, 'metric': 'FOM_DETF', 'colors': True, 'errors': True} {'SNR_ww': 253.20083618164062, 'SNR_gg': 1806.3873291015625, 'SNR_3x2': 1806.93505859375, 'FOM_3x2': 8557.2333984375, 'FOM_DETF_3x2': 103.61077880859375} 

And here are what these bins look like:

EiffL commented 4 years ago

For reference, here are my final Buzzard results:

These list results for training with the FoM DETF or 3x2 SNR as the loss function

EiffL commented 4 years ago

And same thing for DC2: