LSatan / SmartRC-CC1101-Driver-Lib

This driver library can be used for many libraries that use a simple RF ASK module, with the advantages of the cc1101 module. It offers many direct setting options as in SmartRF Studio and calculates settings such as MHz directly.
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CC1101 (EO7-M11010) with Nodemcu esp32 #137

Open BeniIgle opened 10 months ago

BeniIgle commented 10 months ago

I've been trying a lot of different connections and codes, but even if i have connected right the cc1101 to my esp32, the code doesnt seem to work. I mean, in the serial monitor, it says "Connection OK", and i receive codes, but not when i press my remote button, they are like random codes. but when I press a button of my remote, it does not receive any code. (I bought a 433mhz remote from internet) The cc1101 has 8 pins and here is my connection:

1 - GND 2 - VCC (3.3V) 3 - GDO0 (D2) 4 - CSN (D5) 5 - SCK (D18) 6 - MOSI (D23) 7 - MISO (D19) 8 - GDO2 (D4)

Maybe its just a little error i'm not noticing about, but i tried with ESP8266 too, and nothing changed. I'm totally lost about what else to do cause i tried a lot of libraries such as RCSwitch, SmartRC, CC1101-ESP-Arduino-master, and some more. Thanks, the code im using right now is the cc1101_new_Receive_method_minimal from the cc1101 default examples/old method with GDO

Settordici commented 10 months ago

If you are using pins that are not the default ones, try looking at this issue #127 I have a ESP32 too and while receiving is mostly fine, transmitting is a nightmare. Doesn't work at all or it just outputs random noise. I'm still trying to make it work but maybe you'll have more luck than me