LTCHIPS / rottexpr

A Rise Of The Triad Source Port with additional gameplay options and more...
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Sticky autorun key? #30

Open elvisish opened 3 years ago

elvisish commented 3 years ago

Ever since OG ROTT the autorun key or function is "sticky" whereby I have to tap Caps Lock several times to get it to actually stay at autorun, otherwise it kinda cycles around On/Off, and often it changes back to walk at the start of each level. I assume this is some part of the code that is listening to key holds rather than the initial press of the key, and I also imagine it doesn't always actually check the current setting at the beginning of each level. This problem is persistent in Rottexpr, so it must be something in the original code?

LTCHIPS commented 3 years ago

I think the "cycling autorun" issue might be an SDL2 related issue (I don't remember the icculus port having this issue, and that still runs off of SDL 1.2 AFAIK). Starting to wonder if they changed how capslock key events are processed between SDL2 and SDL 1.2.

For now, if you bind Autorun to another key other than Caps lock or num lock (also showing signs of the same issue), it should work as it did in OG ROTT.