LTER-LIFE / VeluweProtoDT

Veluwe proto-DT: a digital mini twin of tree phenology and climate scenarios
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Update driver for getting access to bud burst data #26

Closed StefanVriend closed 10 months ago

StefanVriend commented 10 months ago

We currently use a SQL driver to access the AnE bud burst data in R:

DBI::dbConnect(drv = odbc::odbc(), .connection_string = "Driver={SQL Server};...")

This driver may cause some issues when loading particular long columns (i.e., columns that allow values with a lot of characters). This can be easily solved by using a different driver:

DBI::dbConnect(drv = odbc::odbc(), .connection_string = "Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};...")

To use this driver, first install from here: