LTLA / BiocSingular

Clone of the Bioconductor repository for the BiocSingular package.
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replacing the interface of irlbaSVD with CppIrlba `request` #16

Open xiangpin opened 5 months ago

xiangpin commented 5 months ago

Thanks for developing the infrastructure (BiocSingular and CppIrlba). They are significant in omics or other data analysis. However, the runIrlbaSVD uses the irlba, which is slow for big data. Since CppIrlba has implemented the same work with Eigen, whether it will be applied to BiocSinglular.

LTLA commented 5 months ago

Indeed, we did have plans for that, but the relevant proposal didn't get funded. :disappointed:

So now there's no one to work on it. (Unfortunately, I don't have the time to improve this package; I just try to fix any bugs and keep things running as best as I can.) Back to the grant proposal drawing board, I guess.