LTS5 / cmp

Connectome Mapper
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multiple scales #17

Closed unidesigner closed 13 years ago

unidesigner commented 14 years ago

we provide the different scales. these have to be included as parameters. it should be possible to have different scales, i.e. parcellations to run. this implies that it has to be included in the configuration. idea:

change format of old pipeline format. use data from connectome file converter to know the brain region mappings.

unidesigner commented 13 years ago

is it possible to provide a volume based segmentation of the T1?

unidesigner commented 13 years ago

add selection in gui for the ROI/mask creation module

unidesigner commented 13 years ago

added selection for the default lausanne2008 parcellation. later it should be possible to add custom parcellation (surface-based and/or volume-based)