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white matter mask corrections #90

Closed unidesigner closed 13 years ago

unidesigner commented 13 years ago

One use case where we could think of how to apply it is after the Freesurfer segmentation. People want to inspect the white matter mask that was segmented, and in case, change it and feed the new mask and re-execute parts of the Freesurfer processing stream. This requires to convert the mask from .mgz to .nii. We could output the white matter in any case to some folder and use it for further processing in the subsequent stage (we output the mask to wm_correction only if the option is set in the configuration tab).

Maybe it would make sense to split the freesurfer step into two steps/stages. The commands now are: 1) recon-all -s %s -all -no-isrunning 2) recon-all -s %s -autorecon2-wm -autorecon3 -no-isrunning It would require to know what 2) minus 1) is in terms of command line call.

This should certainly be do-able, you'd just need to figure out which inputs/outputs each of those freesurfer stages requires/creates.

unidesigner commented 13 years ago

works fine for now.