LTS5 / cmp_nipype

This repository is meant to host a beta version for the future release of the ConnectomeMapper.
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Different seed parcellations used in different datasets #41

Open davegrays opened 8 years ago

davegrays commented 8 years ago

I am really trying to figure out why when using the lausanne parcellation, the scale60 parcellation is used to seed streamlines in one dataset, but in another dataset the scale125 parcellation is used. This is an issue that would only apply to the probabilistic tracking pipelines of course - in my case I am using mrtrix.

In particular, I am worried that at the 125 parcellation, some of the seed regions (which are created at the intersection of the dilated GM regions and the WM) will have 0 voxels. Sometimes, this even happens in the scale60 parcellation (particularly in very young subjects with smaller WM) resulting in tracking errors that crash the CMP.

It would be great if the CMP always relied on a single 'scale' parcellation, like the scale60, so that the same methods can be used across datasets. But, so far I haven't figured out how to enforce this.