If you move the subject directory to another location and try to run the pipeline, you get an error saying :
traits.trait_errors.TraitError: Each element of the 'roi_files_in_structural_space' trait of a ParcellateOutputSpec instance must be an existing file name, but a value of (OLD DIRECTORY PATH) <type 'str'> was specified.
I'm assuming maybe you can delete some things from the existing NIPYPE folder, but then you'd have to run the entire pipeline again which sort of defeats the purpose.
Could you give more details about this error ? Are you moving the whole subject directory to a new location ? And the error only pops up when you run the pipeline ?
If you move the subject directory to another location and try to run the pipeline, you get an error saying :
traits.trait_errors.TraitError: Each element of the 'roi_files_in_structural_space' trait of a ParcellateOutputSpec instance must be an existing file name, but a value of (OLD DIRECTORY PATH) <type 'str'> was specified.
I'm assuming maybe you can delete some things from the existing NIPYPE folder, but then you'd have to run the entire pipeline again which sort of defeats the purpose.