LXJS / training-webrtc

WebRTC LXJS 2014 Workshop
MIT License
26 stars 11 forks source link

Keep learning! #53

Open feross opened 10 years ago

feross commented 10 years ago

I hope you all had fun and learned something at the WebRTC training. Even though LXJS is over, the learning doesn't need to stop!

@fippo and I hope that you continue through the steps in the workshop, if you didn't finish while at the conf. Once you make it to the end of the workshop, you'll have built your very own p2p video chat in a browser!

If you run into issues, or even have general WebRTC questions, feel free to open an issue here and we can do our best to help each other out. Happy hacking!

pierreozoux commented 10 years ago

Thanks @feross, it was a pleasure meeting you, and thanks also @fippo, it was cool having a training with you guys!

Yesterday, during the @unhosted lxjs fringe event, I was thinking that it would be cool to develop a frontend framework (or a plugin) that would give syncronisation à la meteor thought WebRTC data, with offline first. It would be cool :) #JustAnIdea

See ya!

feross commented 10 years ago

@pierreozoux This is something that @dominictarr is working on, using the gossip protocol scuttlebutt. Eventually he plans to make it work in the browser with WebRTC!