Closed ghost closed 2 years ago
@LYH-YF Can you help me please?
I'm sorry that we haven't completely implement function for predict any math problem.
In order to implement predicting any math problem, we have realized dataloader.build_batch_for_predict()
and model.predict()
, you can call the two function to predict any problem after finishing preprocessing for the problem.
Here i can show you a sample code to perform inference for only one math problem. You can change somewhere for your requirement.
import os
import re
from copy import deepcopy
import nltk
import torch
from mwptoolkit.config import Config
from import get_dataset_module, get_dataloader_module
from mwptoolkit.utils.enum_type import SpecialTokens, NumMask
from mwptoolkit.utils.preprocess_tool.number_operator import english_word_2_num
from mwptoolkit.utils.preprocess_tool.number_transfer import get_num_pos
from mwptoolkit.utils.utils import get_model, str2float
def main():
# a MWP sample
problem = 'a math word problem : 5 + 7 = ?'
# load config
temp_config = Config()
config = Config.load_from_pretrained(temp_config['trained_model_dir'])
# load dataset parameters
dataset = get_dataset_module(config).load_from_pretrained(config['trained_model_dir'])
dataloader = get_dataloader_module(config)(config, dataset)
# load model parameters
model = get_model(config['model'])(config, dataset)
model_file = os.path.join(config['trained_model_dir'], 'model.pth')
state_dict = torch.load(model_file, map_location=config["map_location"])
model.load_state_dict(state_dict["model"], strict=False)
# preprocess
language = 'english' if config['language'] == 'en' else 'zh'
word_list = nltk.word_tokenize(problem, language)
word_list = english_word_2_num(word_list,fraction_acc=2)
pattern = re.compile("\d*\(\d+/\d+\)\d*|\d+\.\d+%?|\d+%?|(-\d+)")
# input_seq, num_list, final_pos, all_pos, nums, num_pos_dict, nums_for_ques, nums_fraction
process_data = get_num_pos(word_list, config['mask_symbol'], pattern)
source = deepcopy(process_data[0])
for pos in process_data[3]:
for key, value in process_data[5].items():
if pos in value:
num_str = key
num = str(str2float(num_str))
source[pos] = num
source = ' '.join(source)
data_dict = {'question': process_data[0], 'number list': process_data[1], 'number position': process_data[2],
'ques source 1': source}
# build batch data
batch = dataloader.build_batch_for_predict([data_dict])
# predict
token_logits,symbol_outputs,_ = model.predict(batch)
# output process
symbol_list = dataloader.convert_idx_2_symbol(symbol_outputs[0])
equation = []
for symbol in symbol_list:
if symbol not in [SpecialTokens.SOS_TOKEN, SpecialTokens.EOS_TOKEN, SpecialTokens.PAD_TOKEN]:
def trans_symbol_2_number(equ_list, num_list):
symbol_list = NumMask.number
new_equ_list = []
for symbol in equ_list:
if 'NUM' in symbol:
index = symbol_list.index(symbol)
if index >= len(num_list):
return new_equ_list
equation = trans_symbol_2_number(equation, data_dict['number list'])
# final equation
if __name__ == '__main__':
I hope it helps for you.
A correct equation can be transformed into a binary tree. Different traversal methods of binary trees correspond to different node traversal orders.
The "messed-up" signs are the nodes traversed by preorder.X=((47.0+40.0)-25.0)
is inorder traversal and the parenthesis makes sure about calculation priority. However, preorder keeps its calculation priority so there is no need to insert parenthesis.
Thank you very much!
I also have another doubt, when I run the evaluation on the mawps dataset, parenthesis are gone and signs are messed up on the predicted answer:
Example: { "id": 460, "prediction": "= x - + 47.0 40.0 25.0", --> this should be X=((47.0+40.0)-25.0) "target": "= x - + 47.0 40.0 25.0", "number list": [ "47.0", "25.0", "40.0" ], "value acc": true, "equ acc": true },