LZQthePlane / Online-Realtime-Action-Recognition-based-on-OpenPose

A skeleton-based real-time online action recognition project, classifying and recognizing base on framewise joints, which can be used for safety surveilence.
Apache License 2.0
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Generating error while working with videos #59

Open Karan7879 opened 4 years ago

Karan7879 commented 4 years ago

while running main.py --video=Runn.mp4 I am getting the error from line 46 that is TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not tuple

the similar error I am getting when I run the other video matrix out of indices this error is also generating on 46 line number

2111905222 commented 3 years ago

the same error . Have you salved?

hjl-2548951848 commented 3 years ago


arunimasundar commented 3 years ago

Has anybody solved the above error?

lpsantao commented 3 years ago

Hello all! @arunimasundar @hjl-2548951848 @2111905222 @Karan7879 The problem is that the linear_assignment function from sklearn is deprecated in 0.21 and was removed from 0.23, and the equivalent one (scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment) works differently.

The solution is to use scikit-learn==0.22.2, and the original "sklearn.utils.linearassignment import linear_assignment". It worked for me, hope it helps!

arunimasundar commented 3 years ago

@lpsantao Thank you that worked. Also could you please help me out on how to train with my custom dataset.