LaKraven / LKSL

LaKraven Studios Standard Library
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TESTERS WANTED for ADAPT (LKSL Replacement Library) #130

Closed LK-Daniel closed 6 years ago

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

Hi all reading this,

I'm looking to assemble a small team of "Testers" for the ADAPT library (which is currently set to "private") to review the codebase and play around with test implementations prior to unleashing it as a public project.

Testers will also be given access to the private ADAPT SDK repository, to play with the automation toolkit before each significant feature is made available in the public repo.

Please leave a comment indicating your interest so I can send invitations to join the "ADAPT Testers" team.

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

More details of what "ADAPT" is can be found with issue #129

cesarliws commented 8 years ago

Hi Daniel,

Please add me to beta testing.

JonRobertson commented 8 years ago

Me too. Thanks.

TommiPrami commented 8 years ago

Interested in ADAPT, would love to take it for a spin

-tee- On Mar 15, 2016 13:55, "Daniel Jackson" wrote:

Hi all reading this,

I'm looking to assemble a small team of "Testers" for the ADAPT library (which is currently set to "private") to review the codebase and play around with test implementations prior to unleashing it as a public project.

Testers will also be given access to the private ADAPT SDK repository, to play with the automation toolkit before each significant feature is made available in the public repo.

Please leave a comment indicating your interest so I can send invitations to join the "ADAPT Testers" team.

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FrameworksDeveloper commented 8 years ago

Hi Daniel - Having been evaluating LKSL recently, I would appreciate being part of your new ADAPT test group.

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

All those whom have expressed an interest above thus far have been invited.

IL2 commented 8 years ago

Me too please :) I want to have a look at ADAPT without prior knowledge of LKSL and curios about ADAPT SDK. Btw, will you start new ADAPT repo or continue LKSL?

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

@IL2 ADAPT is in an entirely new repository, and this LKSL repository will be "phased out".

It's just because the entire repository structure is so different, rebasing wouldn't really be a good idea.

Invitiation sent, by the way.

IL2 commented 8 years ago

Yep, I see, more on that in #127 #128 #129. Thank you!

JonRobertson commented 8 years ago

All those whom have expressed an interest above thus far have been invited.

How would we access the repository? Is the ADAPT library stored in the LSK repository?

IL2 commented 8 years ago

No, ADAPT is a separate private repo which is available after being invited by LK-Daniel or LK-Simon only. As per title post expressing a wish to join ADAPT Testers is enough.

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

@JonRobertson as @IL2 has said, the ADAPT library is in its own private repository, which you can access with an invitation sent by myself or @LK-Simon (he won't be sending any as he's still tackling serious health issues at the moment).

In the near future, the ADAPT repository will be changed from "Private" to "Public". The testing period is just me hoping people will catch any problems (and make any fundamental suggestions, as they see fit) prior to opening it up to everyone and anyone. Unlike Simon, I really don't want to be breaking interfaces on a public codebase (sorry @LK-Simon, but it's a really bad habit and you really need to stop doing that).

Are you wishing to be invited?

TommiPrami commented 8 years ago

Breaking the API is always OK if the new one is better or more logical.

And many times is very hard to see into the future far enough...

-tee- On Mar 18, 2016 16:01, "Daniel Jackson" wrote:

@JonRobertson as @IL2 has said, the ADAPT library is in its own private repository, which you can access with an invitation sent by myself or @LK-Simon (he won't be sending any as he's still tackling serious health issues at the moment).

In the near future, the ADAPT repository will be changed from "Private" to "Public". The testing period is just me hoping people will catch any problems (and make any fundamental suggestions, as they see fit) prior to opening it up to everyone and anyone. Unlike Simon, I really don't want to be breaking interfaces on a public codebase (sorry @LK-Simon, but it's a really bad habit and you really need to stop doing that).

Are you wishing to be invited?

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LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

Breaking the API is always OK if the new one is better or more logical. And many times is very hard to see into the future far enough...

That may be true, however a well-defined interface should be concise enough that it shouldn't really need to be changed. I know that's not always possible, but Simon breaks interfaces more often than I change my socks.

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

To be fair and balanced, though, he did have to go through the entire "discovery" process on designing and building the various systems in the LKSL... including migrating and refactoring all of that over from the AGE project. I have the benefit of his previous efforts.

TommiPrami commented 8 years ago

In other hand I loved to follow Simon's process, all major changes where always fun and educational.

This is why I don't like demos, because you can't see the development process. End result is not always that informative...

-tee- On Mar 18, 2016 16:18, "Daniel Jackson" wrote:

Breaking the API is always OK if the new one is better or more logical. And many times is very hard to see into the future far enough...

That may be true, however a well-defined interface should be concise enough that it shouldn't really need to be changed. I know that's not always possible, but Simon breaks interfaces more often than I change my socks.

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LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

I am definitely thankful that there's such a clear commit history on this repository, that's for sure. I've studied in great detail the "evolution" of the LKSL, where things like the Event Engine started and what direction they've gone in. It's pretty difficult to try and pin a "final" design on something like this, but at the same time something so deeply tied in to an implementation needs a solid design.... certainly in terms of the interfaces other developers are consuming.

UweRaabe commented 8 years ago

Sorry for being late to the party, but if there happens to be an empty seat I would like to join as well.

Gronfi commented 8 years ago

Hi! if possible would like to join as well. At the beginnings of the event engine I colaborated a little with Simon, testing and with some ideas.

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the lack of updates the last week or so... I've been suffering with a nasty bug that's been doing the rounds here in England. Nasty cough, congestion, endless headache, fever and cold sweats, delirium etc. Haven't had a good night's sleep in at LEAST a week. First time I've switched the computer on since Easter!

IL2 commented 8 years ago

Please take your time to recover you need. Hopefully your flu will pass and go without consequences. We are still here and don't go away :)

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

Okay, all those whom have requested access thus far have been invited. Still waiting on 4 (at this moment in time) invitations to be accepted.

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

2 pending invites awaiting reply. One of them is yours, @JonRobertson :)

antonydanby commented 8 years ago

Daniel I would love to have a look at this if you are still taking on testers

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

@antonydanby invite sent :)

antonydanby commented 8 years ago

Thanks !!! Will look at it on Monday, have a good weekend

ByteJuggler commented 8 years ago

Would be interested in looking at this if you're looking for more eyeballs...

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

@ByteJuggler invite sent :)

gcarreno commented 8 years ago

Hi @LK-Daniel, One of the things I was waiting for was the point when the whole LKSL would compile under Lazarus on a Ubuntu 16.04 x86-64. Can I have a looksie on the ADAPT repo to check and report about it? ATM I've just recompiled the latest and that means FPC 3.0.0 and Lazarus 1.7, if that helps.


LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

Hi @gcarreno... sorry for my late reply. Work commitments have kept me overwhelmingly busy for the past month (lot of travel, in particular).

I've sent you an invite, and I have a HUGE backlog of commits to deal with for the ADAPT library as well (it's been about a month since I committed anything to GitHub at all).

Yes, it is absolutely critical that ADAPT work the same way under FPC/Lazarus as it does under Delphi. Like you, I intend to use it for Linux-based projects... so that's constantly one of my chief concerns.

lastpost commented 8 years ago

Hi @LK-Daniel Late 2015 I posted a question here (last post) Now I know why I never got an answer, hope he's getting better... Then I found your initiative. Great!. But I wonder if you've read my post, It could be important. I use the HighPrecisionThread under XE4 for WIN/OSX. WIN works great but OSX.... Anyone here that did something with the thread under OSX ? Maybe I can join in here ? Best. Jan

ci70 commented 8 years ago

Possible to get a beta permission? Thank you very much.

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

@lastpost and @joeparkerz - Invitations sent.

Lot more work being done today... including a FireMonkey demo for the High Precision Thread library (since Unit Tests aren't suitable for properly testing Threads)

I need to wrap up IN THE VERY LEAST the IADLookupList interface as well as TADLookupList and TADLookupListTS implementations today. This is so I can get the Event Engine reimplemented (a mammoth task in its own right) and release this library to the public ASAP.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I'm interested to test for FPC under linux but I cant guarantee that it'll effectively do it.

LK-Daniel commented 8 years ago

I've been surprised by how much ground-up redevelopment I've had to do for ADAPT... but we're suuuuuuper close to making the library public now.

Would like to ask those that have been testing and checking out changes if you wouldn't mind sharing any thoughts you have at this stage on the ADAPT "Issues" page. Once the Event Engine is functioning, and I've extended Unit Test coverage to parts as-yet uncovered, I'll be releasing ADAPT to the public.

gcarreno commented 8 years ago

I've been a bit silent and distant because I feel there isn't much in the FPC side of things.

But that could just be my warped view due to not having tried any FPC compile yet.

I'll need to dig into this to give a better and most insightful appreciation of the state of thing in relation to FPC.

MMihelic commented 8 years ago

Hi LK-Daniel,

I am just starting evaluating LKS event engine on a simple project. As I am not a seasoned Delphi programmer, I most probably cannot provide you with any significant input, but you might appreciate another set of eyes when you are so close to the release. I might stumble onto something by sheer (bad ;) ) luck.

DelphiMarkus commented 7 years ago

Hi LK-Daniel,

I am interested to test your ADAPT Library on Android an iOS.