Need to complete issue #39 first, as LKSL.Streamables.Main.pas requires LKSL.Generics.Collections.pas in order to function.
At present there are no other known issues beyond the fact that LKSL.Generics.Collections.pas won't compile. Obviously, the compiler doesn't progress beyond this point to highlight any issues in LKSL.Streamables.Main.pas, so further issues may present once issue #39 is resolved.
Need to complete issue #39 first, as LKSL.Streamables.Main.pas requires LKSL.Generics.Collections.pas in order to function.
At present there are no other known issues beyond the fact that LKSL.Generics.Collections.pas won't compile. Obviously, the compiler doesn't progress beyond this point to highlight any issues in LKSL.Streamables.Main.pas, so further issues may present once issue #39 is resolved.