Fetches FDJ loto data to post on SLACK
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Message should display the winning #10

Closed Xouxs closed 5 years ago

Xouxs commented 5 years ago

To easily see if we won something we should display :

Gain au tirage : X€

Where X is the daily winning based on this link FAQ :

dm_1488303986_loto_quels-sont-les-gains_tableau-des-gains_mise-2-20-euros dm_1488303993_loto_quels-sont-les-gains_tableau-des-gains_mise-3-euros dm_1488304001_loto_quels-sont-les-gains_tableau-des-gains_mise-5-euros

Xouxs commented 5 years ago

Maybe related to #9

LaMonF commented 5 years ago

The first implementation is based on the first table only

LaMonF commented 5 years ago

Done in #27